September 7, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

There is no break for the police

There is no break for the police

Minister Genevieve Gilbolt warned that chalets and resorts would be under special surveillance during the break, citing the scope of the police operation ordered by his government, which would represent about 15,000 hours of work.

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The Minister of Public Security explained on Wednesday that an “increased” police presence would be maintained from Friday, February 26 to Sunday, March 7 to cover two weekends of the break.

“Spring break is not a week of rest,” the Deputy Prime Minister reiterated.

As Prime Minister Franకోois Legalt announced the day before, the operation is aimed at ensuring a sense of family bubble, a ban on meetings and respect for curfew.

The Red Zone, like the Orange Zone, is one of the most visited places, especially for the police:

  • Resorts;
  • Relays on snowmobile trails
  • Parks;
  • Snow Rinks.

Other places identified as “potential collection points”, such as shopping malls and storefront businesses, are also visited by police to ensure compliance.

Ditto for restaurants dining rooms in the Orange Zone, where customers from the Red Zone are prohibited.

Minister Gilbalt argued that the government’s priority for police roadblocks was in line with public health.

These were requested by opposition parties, especially in the Orange Zones, to limit the import of new variants.

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