June 2, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Franchise record for Connor Brown

Franchise record for Connor Brown

The Ottawa senators once again have a regular season, but Connor Brown still allows fans to celebrate the happiest series in club history.

Brown scored 6-5 in the seventh game in a row against the Toronto Maple Leafs on Saturday. Five players, including teammate Drake Batherson and former captain Daniel Alfredson, shared the old score of six consecutive games.

“It makes a lot of sense, to be honest,” Brown said after the game via video conference. I have worked very hard in my career. There are times when I am a support player. I had a good chance here [l’entraîneur-chef D.J. Smith], Playing disgustingly, finding my game and I feel like I found it even more so. “

Under construction

However, Brown’s achievements did not have a significant impact on the nation’s capital formation results. The Senators set a 1-5-1 record in those seven games, their only win at the expense of the Montreal Canadians on April 3rd.

But in the eyes of the relevant principal, the team record does not really reflect the level of competition of the forces.

“These last games are experienced teams; Edmonton and Toronto know how to win, Brown argued. They have that touch and they can find a way to win. We’ve not downgraded. They are scoring another goal than us.”

“We really need to start believing in ourselves and realize that we can compete with any team in the league. We need to find the element that makes a difference and we’re going to do it. [de choses] To build. “

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The senators hosted the Winnipeg Jets on Monday night.

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