January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

The alarm goes off again for the roundup

The alarm goes off again for the roundup

The Quebec Association of Physicians for the Environment is warning the Government of Canada not to raise the permissible limits on the use of glyphosate currently under study.

“This is a bad idea. There is a lot of concern about the dangers to human health posed by the use of this pesticide,” D said.Back Claude Patrin-Disrociers from the Quebec Association of Environmental Physicians.

According to her, the global trend in pesticide use is in the direction of reduction and “Canada is swimming in the wrong direction”.

If the proposed increase applies, Canada will be allowed more than the United States and China. Since 2019, Vietnam and Austria have banned the use of the trade name roundup of glyphosate.

Although there is no clear scientific consensus around its harm, many studies have established a link between certain pathologies and prolonged exposure to the product.

As early as 2019, the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology called for a discontinuation of the product due to the risks involved in the health of pregnant women and the fetus.

A public outing of young family physicians follows a statement from the Pest Management Regulatory Agency, which began consultations last month on an increase in the amount of glyphosate allowed on Canadian farms.

The increase was proposed by Bayers, a company that markets roundup.

Marcel Groley, president of Union des Producers Agricoles, believes that Quebec farmers will not be greatly affected if they adopt the new standards because the relevant cereals (beans, chickpeas, lentils) come from western Canada.

It is difficult to understand why we want to change these restrictions when the global trend is towards tougher regulations.

“I believe the precautionary principle applies,” he said.