December 31, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

2 residents died from Kovid-19

La direction de l'établissement a décidé de placer l'Ehpad à l'isolement pour ne prendre aucun risque. © Capture d'écran Google Street

Last week, Kovid-19 was found to be positive for 28 residents of the Charmilles Nursing Home in Lesquర్re-d’Albiziois, Torn.. According to information from Mid Day Dispatch, Two of them died. The director of the company made the announcement on Monday, September 13th.

“Two residents have died at the nursing home in recent days,” nursing home director Eric Placide told the regional newspaper. “Their deaths were directly linked to Kovid-19”. However, one in two residents has a serious illness factor due to diabetes.

Two residents of the nursing home are still hospitalized in Albie

For recollection, This cluster was discovered on August 30th. Initially, two crew members and four residents were infected with the virus. Gradually, all the residents were tested. Without taking any risk, The entire efod was kept isolated.

The source of the pollution was the Charmilles Nursing Home which progressed very quickly, probably because of it Delta variant, more contagious. Last week, 28 residents tested positive for Kovid-19. 38 residents are now infected with the virus. According to information from Mid Day Dispatch, Two people are still in the hospital At Albie Hospital Center, but one of them is due to return to the nursing home on Monday, September 13th.

New shows in the coming days

New tests will take place in the coming days. “We get the results until Wednesday evening or Thursday morning, which allows us to know the number of patients,” Eric Placid concluded.