March 13, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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COVID-19: Denmark offers booster doses to all vaccinated people

COVID-19: Denmark offers booster doses to all vaccinated people

Copenhagen, Denmark | In Denmark, where sanctions to fight the pandemic were lifted in early September, health officials will provide a third dose of anti-Kovid vaccine to everyone, the health minister said on Friday.

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“We plan to implement a third vaccine injection. Danes will be invited six months and 14 days after receiving the second dose,” Health Minister Magnus Hunike told Public Television.

Among the best students in the European Union for the Kovid vaccine campaign, the Scandinavian Kingdom launched in September, as in many other countries, the most dangerous recall campaign ever to face the loss of the effectiveness of injected vaccines. Year.

The National Health Agency announced Friday that it is now inviting people over 65 and health professionals to receive a third dose six and a half months after the second dose.

“The timing of re-vaccination is crucial. We want to start with a booster dose before people become seriously ill from COVID – 19,” said Helen Probst, the agency’s deputy director.

In the rest of the population, the booster dose should also be taken in the “term”, the interval between the last two doses may be “greater”, she said.

In early October, the European Medicines Authority (EMA) authorized the generalization of the booster to all adults.

According to data from health officials, the first dose was given to 86.8% of those over 12 years of age, and 85.4% to two.

2.2% of the 5.8 million population received three doses.

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