October 4, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Doug Ford and opposition leaders no longer learn French lessons

Doug Ford and opposition leaders no longer learn French lessons

It was clear that the promise had not materialized. Mr. Ford sometimes utters a few words in French in his press briefings, but this is usually limited Hello my friends. His office confirmed he had been away from school for some time.

What I left behind was the fault of the pandemic, Doug Ford explained to Tekumsek at a press conference. But I often practice with Minister Caroline Mulroney. I was determined to learn French, Without adding whether he was going to resume his lessons.

Learning the Moliere language does not seem to be a priority for other top leaders and the majority of Ontario MPs. Nearly twenty elected officials, for example Caroline Mulroney and Franz Gelinas, are French speakers or master French working language. Fifteen of the 124 legislators are currently taking French courses. Mike Schreiner, a Green Party politician, was the only leader to do so.

The official opposition leader who led the Ontario NDP for 13 years described it in a press scrum Do not have time to do the necessary intensive work. It doesn’t add up every time I try to learn. It was frustrating, Andrea released Horvat.

On Twitter, the Liberal MP for Orleans, Stephen Blaise, revolted: Today Andrea Horwath stated that she did not have time to improve her French. Aren’t more than 600,000 Franco-Antarians worth a few hours a week?

Steven del Duca, 47, is the 25th leader of the Ontario Liberal Party

Photo: Canadian Press / Frank Gunn

However, his own leader, Steven del Duca, did not learn French, even though he had promised to do so when he was elected leader in March 2020, Radio-Canada questioned on Monday, claiming that Steven del Duca had defended himself for not fulfilling his promise.

I do not believe that taking French courses will affect my ability and my commitment to deliver results to the Franco-Antarians.

A quote from:Steven del Duca, leader of the Ontario Liberal Party

The Liberal leader pointed out that several members of his Caucasus, including Amanda Simard and Lucille Collard, were fighting to advance the rights of the Francophones. His spokesman, Will Wuhr, told Radio-Canada that he was taking courses when Mr del Duca was a Member of Parliament and planned to re-launch them.

On the NDP side, we concluded that 14 out of 40 members are capable of working in Francophone or French. Five new Democrat MPs are currently learning French lessons, and another three have decided to suspend them during the epidemic.

I want to work in French, Mike Schreiner, leader of the Greens in France, laughed before adding that the Ontario government should invest more in improving immersion programs in Ontario.

Ontario MPs currently taking French courses

  • Progressive Conservative Party: Sam Oosterhoff, Paul Calandra, Jeff Eurek, King Surma, Michael Tibollo, Jeremy Roberts and Natalia Cusendova
  • New Democratic Party: Joel Harden, Soul Mamaqua, Sandy Shaw, Marit Style, Jamie West
  • Liberal Party: Mitzi Hunter and John Fraser
  • Party Wert de l Ontario: Mike Shriner

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