October 17, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Health. Tomorrow, the local Kovid?

Health.  Tomorrow, the local Kovid?

These are two lowercase letters, but they change (almost) everything. Of “Epidemic”, The ubiquitous covid, due to the wave associated with the omicron variant, may soon change “Local”, According to many experts. Last week, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) estimated “Intrinsic side of the virus”. “As immunity increases in the population – and there will be more natural immunity along with the vaccine with Omicron – we will quickly move towards a scene closer to localization,” Marco Cavaleri, head of vaccine strategy at EMA, assured. Local disease is a condition that is permanent and permanent in a specific area. Indicated without causing harm to the health system due to episodes of uncontrolled overheating.

Will this be the case with Kovid in the near future? The current trajectory of the epidemic in France makes one think so. Thus, the Institute Pasteur has now improved its expectations, now relying on more optimistic expectations than a few weeks ago. “We’ve going to the hospital for some very difficult scenes,” he said. But they are not the hardest to come by “, Researcher Simon Couchemez was captured by AFP.

Spain opened the debate

The maximum number of daily hospital admissions can be reached by the end of January and is between 2,500 and just 5,000. We will surpass the Spring 2020 record, but not for critical care admissions, which will be limited to a total of 6,000. Then more than 7,000. Here the researchers apply the lessons of Omikron’s visit to South Africa and the UK. There, infected people became less severely infected compared to the Delta. And when needed in the hospital, it lasted less.

Overall, there will be an impact “If we try to reduce transmission, it can be realized through hospital services”, Simon Couchemez estimated. Attempts already made, according to his colleague epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet. “Health catastrophe averted due to French behavior”, Car Without the collective effort from the beginning of January we would have faced a much worse situation. Who allowed “Reduce contact number”, The researcher suggested Monday in France Inter. It also depends The most common Kovid infections in the coming years are in the winter stages ”, But with fewer consequences, thanks to the immunity strengthened by vaccines or infections. Extensively vaccinated, socialist Pedro Sanchez has suggested that Spain be working on a new model to monitor the disease, seeking to start a debate at the European level around it. This model ignores the accounting of each positive case and also omits testing in the case of minor symptoms. Doctors only “Sentinels” As is the practice in France for the flu, it is responsible for monitoring the possible spread. “The Spanish decision, scientifically understandable, seems to me too early, Epidemiologist Yves Cappiters at the Free University of Brussels on Monday The cross. It is a gamble to think that future variants of SARS-COV-2 are already as harmless as other coronaviruses that infect humans and cause colds. But who says a new, more lethal variant is coming in the coming months? ⁇

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