October 5, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Marilop Wolf: Prosperity equals going to the area

Marilop Wolf: Prosperity equals going to the area

Going to settle in this area is synonymous with many, allocating large spaces close to nature and providing serenity, a way to soak up well-being. After the documentary series, The Big MoveAnimated and directed by Marilyp Wolf, the book now offers a number of suggestions for making the experiment a success.

Also read: Marilyn Wolf at the Autouis Film Festival

“It’s the first documentary series I’ve ever done and I loved this experience. Items.

“You don’t make a documentary like a fictional series. I wanted to have complete control over the image, but I had to modify my plans, I wanted my relationship with them to be true and I continued to bond with people, I cried with them and I cultivated beauty and authenticity. It brought me a lot to the human level. ⁇

The idea of ​​launching a book on documentaries was also her first experience.

“It completes the show, we have rich content,” she says.

Quality of life

In which Big MoveWe follow families who have left the city for the most part to settle in the areas.

Sometimes it’s coming back home, other times it’s a whole new adventure.

Marilup followed them in their project.

“Every family I meet does so for a variety of reasons, but cares about improving their quality of life,” said Marilouw Wolf.

Naturally, the pandemic and Telework allowed more families to move to different locations in different parts of Quebec and settle down. We think of Gaspésie, les-de-la-Madeleine, Bas-Saint-Laurent or Estrie and Laurentians. Moreover, in his book each area is divided for its virtues along with excellent photos.

By reading the book, we realize that the great outdoors, mountains, waterfalls are often preferred, synonymous with dreams, a haven of freedom or peace.

We like to hear the sound of the waves to fight anxiety, we choose the jungle to breathe fresh air, hiking is available for a few minutes from home as well as practice of various sports.

Many tips

Before doing Big MoveHowever it is important to ask the right questions.

Marilup lists them in his book. If Big Move Is often crushing, and also requires rationalization before doing so.

“There is no such thing as a single visit or multiple visits to introduce you to an area,” she emphasizes.

We must also question our patience for the cold. Winters in Quebec are harsh, especially in the mountains.

Services and leisure should also be considered. In principle, in this area, houses are less expensive than in town, however, perhaps it is necessary to think about getting a second vehicle.

Living by water can be fun, but you should also consider the risks of flooding.

“So the Big Move It works 100% and I have noticed that the entourage is important, especially the need to remake the circle of new friends, ”said Marilop.

If most people have some fears before their departure, all those who have participated so far Big Move Did not regret their decision.

“We want peace, tranquility, more family time and prosperity and in the areas they have all found a kind of inner peace as well. These people have dreamed of me. I will not hesitate to do it again one day. Big Move “, She concluded.

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