January 23, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

To end polarization

To end polarization

Because this is the last time you read me on Sunday in the paper version Log ?

Or because Christmas is coming?

However, today I want to wave the white flag and propose that all those who normalize public discourse (for example, by refusing to give a little credit to people they don’t like) come out of their trenches and stop. Seen as enemies to defeat their rivals and call a truce.

Binary thinking

move #me too.

On the one hand, there are those who refuse to recognize that this all-important movement has led to dangerous excesses.

(Men losing their careers based on simple accusations? Well, it’s collateral damage, nothing to shovel…)

On the other hand, there are those who refuse to recognize the importance and relevance of this movement because it has led to dangerous abuses.

But the truth lies between the two.

Yes, this movement is important and yes, it has led to dangerous abuses.

It’s not one or the other.

It is one and the other.

We have every reason in the world to rejoice at the birth of this movement that loudly and clearly denounces a long-standing scandal … and we have every reason in the world to worry about its excesses. .

Unfortunately, in our world, OR is increasingly replacing AND.

We were called to choose our camp.

Either you are 100% for this movement or you are 100% against it.

This is the era of binary thinking.

Everything is not white, everything is black

Ditto for openness to diversity.

Yes, this openness is essential, because the representation of Quebec in our media and our institutions has been too homogenous for too long.

But at the same time, it is correct to say that we will not fight anti-black racism by expelling whites from certain positions.

It’s not – excuse the pun – all white, all black.

Not because the movement is important, but because we should turn a blind eye to its excesses.

And it is not because a movement has led to excesses that we should deny its importance, its relevance and its necessity.

This is also to recognize the injustices done to certain communities.

Yes, some minority groups have been victims of glaring injustices, an undeniable historical fact.

But from there, seeing victims everywhere and a criminal in every heterosexual white man, there is a step…

Are there any toxic men? Yes.

Are all men toxic? Not at all.

Bath water

Voicism leads to completely stupid drifts.

But should we throw out the baby with the bathwater?

Ditto for the libertarian right sauce LIBAAAARTÉ, which, while excessive, still raises important questions about the limits of state intervention.

You can’t wipe everything out of hand…