June 29, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Why is fear so effective?

Why is fear so effective?

Pierre-Luc Brillant, 44, actor and musician, will be the PQ candidate in Rosemont.

Friday, make a difference in our departmentHe explained his decision to enter the political arena to advance the cause of independence.

His plea is remarkable in its sincerity, its idealism, its breadth of views, its appeal to what is best in the people of Quebec.


Many readers praised and encouraged him, but I am mainly interested in the negative comments here.

I was interested in them because they were a wonderful representation of a common way of thinking.

Read them and you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

Opponents of Mr. Brillant’s position did not extol Canada’s merits.

Instead, they insisted that the independence project was out of date, that we would lose this or that federal largesse that we could not get without Ottawa.

All of these have correct answers.

Do already independent countries feel that their own independence is now over?

If equalization pays for Quebec because it is less wealthy than the Canadian average, is membership in this confederation so beneficial?

Doesn’t the planet have many small, wealthy countries?

However, it’s been the same old story for decades: can’t, can’t, can’t…

This masochistic humiliation of our abilities proved undeniably effective.

How to explain its enduring success?

No one explains it better than Camille Laurin:

“Fate, he says, Québéser wants to be born and grow up under the sign of ambivalence and ambivalence, which leaves him confused, tormented, divided against himself, unable to integrate the elements of his great personality, to conform to his aspirations, and his action, actually carving out his dreams, training To break free, to overcome his fears, to face the unknown at his own risk and danger, to fully imagine its freedom, its history and its existence.

Proof carefully.

Everything is there, never well said: ambiguity, confusion, doubt, fear, paralysis.

Faced with a choice between danger and safety, Homo kebekensis, psychologically constructed in this way, chooses safety over courage and overcoming.

Moreover, if Camille Laurin and Jacques Pariseau aroused more visceral hatred than René Levesque, their enemies saw that these two Quebecers feared nothing or no one.

They do not conform to the classic image of a reduced Quebecer with doubt, fear, hesitation, and low aim.

They don’t need to shout either. They felt themselves completely, without the slightest complication, calm and confident.

To survive

CAQ will be re-elected because Quebecers are reassured and other parties are not ready to govern.

But the CAQ remained a short-term political project.

I think it would be tragic if the PQ, the only party that keeps the ideal of sovereignty alive, dies.

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