June 2, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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[EN IMAGES] They sneak backstage at a show at the Festival d’été de Québec

[EN IMAGES] They sneak backstage at a show at the Festival d'été de Québec

The Buckboys, mass publishing videos on the web, managed to infiltrate one of the stages of the Festival d’Éte de Quebec, with one of them pretending to be a rapper during Fauci’s performance. They get past security with disturbing ease.

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Famous on the web for them Pranks (Fake words), the Buckboys easily evaded festival security to find themselves backstage at Fauci’s performance on the Lotto-Québec stage in the Parc de la Francophonie last Sunday.

In a video posted on their YouTube channel, which has nearly 82,000 followers, different members of the ensemble can be seen trying to enter the stage in different ways.

The stunt segment starts at 6 minutes and 45 seconds at the Summer Festival.

After a fake restaurant delivery man failed to clear security and a fake electrician managed to get on stage, a fake rapper was able to move freely backstage during the performance.

They infiltrated the backstage of the FEQ show.

Security questions him, but the young man with fake tattoos easily convinces an employee to let him inside. “He’s on List of guestsBut they didn’t give him his bracelet, he is a friend in Korea”, the employee explains to another member of the security team near the scene.

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And the trick was done.

Official photo

In fact, security isn’t so suspicious of this fake rapper that he’s even allowed to invite a friend to join him at some point.

and when any one asked him with whom he entered, the young man had only to answer “with one of the friends of Corias.”

“That’s what we told each other,” the young woman answered without further ado.

And height, in this 25-minute video, at the end of the show, artist Jay Scott, who recognized the Buckboys, invited the fake rapper to go on stage for a traditional photo of the artists.

“I think it’s easy,” the two Buckboys members congratulated each other after their victory.

FEQ is concerned

In the end, the video has a good-natured character and turns into one StuntThe Buckboys tried the same kind of deception at the NHL draft in Montreal in recent weeks.

But the ease with which the operation is being carried out may raise some questions when it comes to the safety of the artistes and their teams.

When asked about this, the organizers of the Festival d’Etay were told that “people tricking the security guards was very worrying”. Analysis of the situation is going on.

“We took good note of the incident and will raise the issue with all our security service providers. It is clear that there is room to improve the communication of instructions to the agents so that they are unambiguous, thus leaving no room for interpretation,” Festival d’été de Québec. , said Véronique Bouille’s publicist.

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On the other hand, the direction of the event warrants analysis of the possibility of inquiries against Buckboys.

“Regarding the authors of the video, we are currently evaluating our appeals,” said Ms.me Cooked.

For their part, Buckboys members denied any intent to harm, said they did not want to disturb the artists, protected the identities of the employees “in error” and warned their public not to repeat these actions.

“If the summer festival wants to appeal, that’s their right, but instead we encourage them to keep this budget safe”, scoffed the collective.

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