September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Elections: The Great Distortion

My advice to party leaders in the summer

To tell you that there are no surprises in this election, Pierre Bruno announced that the CAQ will form a majority government at 8:10.

When we still haven’t even received the quarter chicken thighs we ordered.

As my sister told me: “Mr. Legault did not have time to do everything he wanted to do during his first term because of the pandemic. So he was given a second term so that he could complete what he wanted to achieve…”

It was like we were watching a movie in a movie theater, and a power failure interrupted the projection.

Let’s watch the rest to know how it ends.

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A system to edit

For the official opposition, the verdict fell after 34 minutes.

The money went to Dominic Anglade and PLQ. Thanks to the Anglos on the island of Montreal, Madame Anglade continued to vote red despite her mistakes on French courses in English CEGEPs.

All it takes is a salute to the brilliant PSPP campaign to rise a few points in the sovereign joker polls and for everyone to take refuge behind Captain Canada’s shield in fear of our English-speaking friends.

It’s still amazing to think about it…

These two parties are the worst in the campaign to find themselves on the two highest steps of the podium!

Although her party only convinced 7% of French-speaking voters.

And the parties that managed to attract 15% and 13% of the popular vote (which is very respectable) are at the bottom of the barrel.

The PQ has only three deputies and the Conservative Party of Quebec none.

The PLQ won about twenty seats by the same percentage and with much less support among French-speaking voters…

If there are still people who doubt the merits of reforming our voting system, they need only look at the election results to be convinced.

There is something wrong with this system…

No orange wave

For Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, who sees himself as the leader of the opposition, the evening was a disappointment.

The Quebec Solidaire leader may have led a very good campaign and been devilishly charismatic, but his party has not succeeded in breaking through the Calais ceiling.

For the middle class it tried to appeal to, the QS remained a radical party.

There was deep disappointment in the PQ who, despite a brilliant campaign by their leader, could not succeed in turning their pumpkin into a carriage.

There were two big winners on Monday.

Despite its leader’s clumsy comments on the pandemic and immigration, the CAQ is stronger than ever.

And campaigners for reform of our voting system have convinced many voters of the justice of their cause.

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