October 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Shortage of teachers: To avoid panic in August, recruitment is necessary in the spring

Shortage of teachers: To avoid panic in August, recruitment is necessary in the spring

To avoid the challenges imposed on teachers appointed in August, the director general of the college, Charles-Lemoine, David Bowles, suggested that the recruitment process should start within the year.

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Quebec has been facing a manpower shortage in the teaching profession for years, which creates panic in the final weeks of summer.

Mr. Bowles identified.

A guest on LCN’s Le Bilan program, Mr. Bowles, who is also president of the Quebec Federation of Private Education Institutions, affirms that “the ideal is to hire a teacher in the spring.”

To achieve this, the director puts his organization forward in the recruitment process.

“By February, I will immediately work with my team to find out who is going to retire, how many additional groups we will have next year, who is asking for a year without pay, and hiring people. ,” he explained.

He also tries to create a sense of belonging with the quorum members right from the start.

Mr. Bowles praised the recruiting strategies implemented at his school as “5 to 7 jobs, invitations to visit the school and meet their future teammates in the spring.”

All these programs have been implemented to improve the teaching profession.

For the director, teaching is a “wonderful profession”.

“The vast majority of teachers in Quebec love their jobs,” he says.

David Bowles says it is essential to stop stigmatizing the image of depressed, overworked or frustrated teachers, although he admits it will not be an easy task.

“We must also emphasize that this is a wonderful profession in which we have a real impact on the lives of young people,” he stressed.

The majority of schools in Quebec are set to start the school year on Tuesday, September 5, and many institutions are still understaffed today.

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