March 17, 2025

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Android Studio 4.1 makes it easy to use TensorFlow Lite models and the Android Emulator

Android Studio 4.1 makes it easy to use TensorFlow Lite models and the Android Emulator

Google today released Android Studio 4.1, the latest version of its Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Android Studio 4.1 handles “common editing, debugging and optimization usage cases”. Version 4.1 includes the implementation of light models on-device tensor, the ability to run the Android emulator directly on the IDE, and support for folding form factors. There’s also a new database inspector to query your app’s database, support navigating projects that use Dagger for dependency injection, and apply changes for faster builds updates. Additionally, Android Studio 4.1 fixes 2,370 bugs and closes 275 public issues.

Android is a huge platform Over 2.5 billion monthly active devices. Although developers can use other IDEs to build on Android, the latest features come first in Android Studio. You can now directly download Android Studio 4.1 for Windows, Mac and Linux If you are already using Android Studio, you can get the latest version in the navigation menu (Help => Check for updates on Windows / Linux and Android Studio = Check for updates on OS X).

Android Studio 4.1 comes a month later Google has released Android 11. Version “4.1” refers to a smaller release (released by Google) Android Studio 4.0 May), which is important for anyone building apps and games for Android. The new Android Studio 4.1 features, categorized by category, include: Design, development, build and optimize (Full Release Notes).

Android Studio 4.1 design features

Android Studio templates in the Create New Project dialog now use material design
Components (MDC). Templates now comply with the updated guidelines for themes and styles by default:

  • MDC: Projects depend In build.gradle. Base application themes use Theme.MaterialComponents.* Parents and updated MDC replace color and “on” features.
  • Color resources: Color resources in color.xml use font names (for example, instead of pur da_500 colorPrimary).
  • Theme Resources: Theme Resources Themes. Xml included (Styles. Instead of Xml) and use the theme. Names.
  • Dark Theme: Base application themes use daytime parents and are divided between res / values ​​and res / values-night.
  • Theme Properties: Color resources are referred to as theme attributes (for example,? Attr / colorPrimary) in layouts and styles to avoid hard-coded colors.

Develops Android Studio 4.1 features

  • Database Inspector: Examine, query, and edit your application’s database. To get started, configure your application for a device with API level 26 or higher and select View> Tool Windows> Database Inspector from the menu bar. Whether your app uses the Jetpack Room library or the Android platform version of SQLite directly, you can now browse databases and tables in your running app or run custom queries. Since Android Studio maintains a direct connection when you check your app, you can edit the values ​​using the database inspector and see those changes in your running app. If you use the Room Stability Library, it will place run buttons next to each question in the Android Studio Code Editor to help you quickly execute the questions you have defined in your @ Quote citations.
  • Run the Android Emulator directly in Android Studio: Use this feature to protect screen real estate, quickly navigate between the emulator and the editor window using hotkey, and manage your IDE and emulator workflow in a single application window. You can perform simple emulator actions such as rotating and taking snapshots and screenshots in the studio, but access to the full options still requires running a stable emulator. You can use this feature by going to File => Settings => Tools => Emulator => Tool Window.
  • Dagger Navigation Support: Navigate between your dagger-related code through the Find New Gutter Actions and Uses window. For example, clicking on the gutter action next to a given type of usage method will navigate you to that type of provider. Conversely, clicking on a gutter action will navigate to where a type is used as a dependency.
  • Use tensor flow light models: Similar to View Binding, Android Studio produces easy-to-use classes, so you can run your machine learning model with lower code and better type of security. The current implementation of ML model binding supports image classification and style transfer models, if they are enhanced with metadata. To view details for the imported model and how to use it in your application, double-click the .tflite model file in your project to open the Model Viewer page.

Android Studio 4.1 Build Features

  • Android Emulator – Foldable Keys Support: Android Emulator 30.0.26 and above, you can configure foldable devices with fold designs and configurations. When the foldable device is configured, the emulator key angle sensor publishes updates and posture changes, so you can test how your form responds to these form factors.
  • Apply changes updates: For devices running Android 11 or higher, you can run and continue the changes on the device without installing the app. Following the initial deployment, subsequent deployments to Android 11 devices are now significantly faster, using the code modify or apply modification and restart functionality functionality. Also, now if you add a method, you can set those changes to the running application by clicking Apply Code Changes or Apply Changes and Restart Functionality.
  • Export C / C ++ Dependencies from AARs: Android Gradle Plugin adds 4.0 capability Import prefab packages in AAR dependencies. This feature now supports sharing local libraries. AGP version 4.1 allows you to export libraries from your external native architecture in AAR for the Android Library project.
  • Symbol of Native Crash Reports: When a crash or ANR occurs in the local code, the system generates a stock trace, which is a snapshot of the sequence of group functions called until the moment your program crashes. These snapshots can help you identify and troubleshoot any issues with the source, but they must first symbolize translating machine addresses into human-readable function names. If your app or game is developed using local code such as C ++, you can now upload debug symbols files for each version of your app to the play console. The Play Console uses these debug symbols files to track your app’s stock tracks, making it easier to diagnose crashes and ANRs.

Optimize Android Studio 4.1 features

  • System Trace UI Improvements: System Trace, an optimization tool that gives you a real-time look at how your application uses system resources. It includes box selection mode, new analysis tab and more frame rendering data.
  • Freelance Profiles: It is now possible to access Android Studio Profiler in a separate window from the primary Android Studio window. This is useful when optimizing Android games built with other tools such as Unity or Visual Studio.
  • Native Memory Profiler: Android Studio Memory Profiler now includes Native Memory Profiler‌ for applications running on physical devices running Android 10 or later. The local memory profiler tracks the allocations / delocations of objects in the local code for a specific period of time and provides information about total allocations and the remaining system pile size.

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