October 17, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Appeal by Franకోois Legalt against self-censorship

Le premier ministre du Québec, François Legault, est assis et accorde une entrevue.

Away from the pandemic context, Mr. Legalt returns The controversy that rocked the University of Ottawa, End of 2020, with respect to usage mot en n This led to intense debate in Quebec.

The prime minister says he is shocked by this History, Point at A few radical activists [qui] Try to censor certain words and writings.

Professors are asking us to erase the works of our great writers such as Anne Hebert, Region Ducharm, Danny LaFerrier or Pierre Valliers., He recalled describing the situationAbsurd.

More and more people are being bullied. They have to censor themselves for fear of being insulted and condemned in the public square.

Franకోois Legalt, Quebec Premier

Mr. Legalt does not fail to remember when he experienced it Activists tried to censor his reading instructions because they recommended a book written by Matthew Bok-Kote, He he said.

The affair caused a stir in the fall and was initially canceled by the Association des Libraries du Quebec (ALQ). List of Prime Minister’s Literary Favorites On its social networks, Wandered around By republishing this list.

Mr. Legalt also cites the example of a university lecturer She testified in a newspaper that she was condemned and harassed for using the words “man” and “woman”. .

It is time to have a serious discussion together

It goes a long way. The situation is getting out of hand, Launched by Franకోois Legalt‌.

Although he found that the use of certain words could be hurtful, he warned against the radicals he wanted Censor, muzzle, threaten and restrict our freedom of speech.

The Prime Minister will also talk about the need to draw the line between injury and censorship.

We must stand up to the fact that people who have been threatened have the right to present facts and ideas, and that we will be there to defend them.

Franకోois Legalt, Quebec Premier

Mr Legalt is also reassuring victims of racism. They should know that they are not allowed to accept hate speech, racist actions or discrimination., He insisted.

Treat where it is bad

This problem started with our universities, where I think we need to address it first., Explains Mr. Legalt.

Higher Education Minister Daniel McCann is also discussing the issue with academics To act quickly, He says.

The Prime Minister finally remembered that there should be universities Respected forums, uncensored discussion and search for truth, even when the truth is shocking or provocative.

Franకోois Legalt also stressed the need to defend his basic principles in the face of bullying attempts and the need to confront them together to reduce fear.

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