Rain Wilson, the beloved actor of the American television series "The Office", has announced that he will change his name...
Felix Nathan
Quebecers who have just seen the damage caused by the hurricane Ian They feared for their lives after the hurricane...
He was passing through Mirabel airport at the very beginning of the pandemic: this huge Ukrainian plane, the Mria (or...
Ukraine announced on Thursday that it had recaptured a dozen villages in the Kherson region in the country's south, where...
The former president, who was personally involved in the campaign, dreamed of a landslide victory for his daughters-in-law before him....
We had elections yesterday. And I think this is a good day for democracy. And I think it's a good...
Amid relative disappointment for Republicans and uncertainty for now in the Senate, midterm elections in the United States on Tuesday...
Donald Trump's former White House spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, was elected governor of the heavily Republican state of Arkansas on...
The evening has just begun, but already Donald Trump is repeating the same refrain in 2016 and 2020: "rigged elections"....
Italian archaeologists on Tuesday announced the unprecedented discovery of more than two dozen ancient bronze statues, recovered from the mud...