January 13, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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Beijing Olympics | Canadian groups have called for the event to be boycotted

Beijing Olympics |  Canadian groups have called for the event to be boycotted

(Toronto) The Toronto Association for Democracy in China is part of an alliance of 180 human rights groups, many of them Canadians, who called for a boycott of the Winter Olympics from Beijing on Wednesday.

Lori Ewing
The Canadian Press

Despite the epidemic, the Games will kick off on February 4, 2022.

The Coalition has called for a boycott of the Beijing Games over alleged human rights abuses against ethnic minorities in China. The coalition is made up of groups representing Tibetans, Uighurs, Inner Mongols, Hong Kong residents and more.

The coalition sent an open letter to governments on Wednesday urging them to support a boycott of the games “to promote horrific human rights violations and to see to it that they are not used to suppress dissent by the Chinese government”.

One of the great sources of concern to Canadians is “two Michael”, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spover revolving around imprisonment in China.

Covrig and Spavar‌s spent more than two years in two separate prisons in China on allegations that Canada and its allies were making false allegations about dozens of Gu ion actions, following Meng’s arrest in December 2018. Wanzhou, the chief financial officer, is China telecommunications company Huawei.

Said Montreal Dick Pound, one of the most influential members of the International Olympic Committee Globe and Mail Canada must block call to boycott 2022 Olympics.

Pound said the boycott would not work and could hurt Canadian athletes.

“Young people are coming together in difficult times to participate peacefully in sports, a message that needs to be spread and a channel that deserves to be open even when people in government are angry at each other.” Others, “Pound said.