January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Belgian employees wear smiling masks when the country reopens

Belgian employees wear smiling masks when the country reopens

These employees are taking social distance on the cheek.

A Belgian restaurant has given its employees personalized masks with photos of their own smiling mouths to make the place feel more welcoming.

Video from Agency France-Press The Lodge restaurant in Brussels shows customers serving customers, wearing bizarre facial envelopes that reflect the lower parts of their faces.

“I think it’s the best. At least you can identify people. You can see how people are, so it’s a great effort, ”said Audrey Cliff, a customer of The Lodge Restaurant.

The restaurant also worked for a company called Cheese Box, which has a photobooth-like device that takes the image and transforms it into a surgical mask.

“We thought it was a little inhumane. It was true that in some industries it was not helpful for business. So we wanted to recognize people with a smile, face and face. So we came up with the idea of ​​printing faces on masks,” Charles de Belefroid, CEO of Cheese Box, told the news agency.

Belgium was allowed to reopen on Monday following a three-month lockdown in coronavirus infection, but there must be socially remote activities.

A waitress with a face to face at a lodge restaurant in Brussels.
Photo by KENZO TRIBOUILLARD / AFP via Getty Images

At the Roy d’Espagne restaurant, a table of two is empty and customers have to scan the QR code for the menu. Employees are protected by masks or plastic shields.

Customers are divided on the results. Carolyn Michaels, 39, said the measures were for the safety of all. But 68-year-old Florence Vandenhoek says the masks and emptiness of Grand Place, which is usually packed with tourists, is a frightening sight.

Monday marked the resumption of religious ceremonies such as mass.

The country is built on three years of lost growth from the COVID-19 epidemic, as the 2021-2022 recovery fails to offset a 9 percent decline this year, the central bank said Monday.

There are 59,348 viruses in Belgium, and 9,606 have died. The United States – the largest country – has more than two million cases and more than 112,000 deaths According to Johns Hopkins University.

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