May 12, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Biden 2022: Year of all accidents

Biden 2022: Year of all accidents

Of the 81,268.92 voters who voted for Joe Biden in 2020, it would not be wrong to say that many of them, perhaps the majority, did so in the hope of returning to a more normal life. If we relied on many comparisons that all showed the same direction by the end of 2021, this legitimate hope would have been watered down.

The Biden administration, which is experienced and skilled, failed to deliver the goods or highlighted some of its successes. If the president promises to do better and not give up, next year could be even harder.

First, the Omicron variant gives all the rulers on the planet a headache. Since he declared victory over the pandemic in July 2021, Biden has now been left alone after his recent announcements before that. What he is proposing is not bad, but experts say the actions are too cowardly. These are the same experts that the President promised to hear in 2020.

It does not matter that most governors, especially Republicans, are absent from the subscribers, we turn to the president when we are looking for a leader in times of crisis. If he tries to reassure, Biden will fail to persuade and rally.

With the health crisis, and the administration’s list of challenges very close, by – elections. If you think that the 46th President will not have freedom in Congress in 2021, if the polls are credible, all hope of his cooperation may be lost.

What can we expect from a Democratic presidency and a Republican majority in both houses? Nothing. Once again, we induce permanent polarization. If the repetition of the expression is boring, the phenomenon reaches its climax.

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I have never read so many serious writers who increase the likelihood of rebellion or secession. The three retired generals published a letter in the Washington Post expressing their fears. What if military leaders first forget that they must be loyal to the Constitution? All this while the army is struggling to stem the growth of those on the right in its ranks.

Since the constitution says nothing about the process to be followed to leave the union, I am not afraid of secession, the policies are very long and complicated. On the other hand, if there is no path to a political and peaceful path, it is another reason to fear violent outbursts.

Since this scene is not enough to send a chill to the supporters of democracy, this week we celebrate the sad anniversary of the attack on Capitol Hill. One year after the violent and humiliating incident, the courts have not yet completed all the relevant inquiries and the circumstances surrounding an incident have not yet come to light, and its full extent is not fully understood.

In domestic politics, the film is not encouraging. If we look at the international scene, it is difficult to identify indicators of a particularly serene climate.

It is difficult to be optimistic when we look at the talks on Iran’s nuclear power, Vladimir Putin’s attitude towards Ukraine or even the tactics of China’s rival.

If the horizon is unclear, Biden urgently needs the support of Democratic forces. I feel very lonely on this side when senators are already breaking ranks, but members of his political structure are not always so subtle that he is preparing his legacy by wanting to announce his departure by 2024.

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Joe Biden has long dreamed of becoming president. He succeeded in his third attempt, but it happened too late in his life and in his political career. The compromise man who used to oust Donald Trump, he himself raises the possibility of being the only transitional president.

Despite his vast experience I am sure the former senator and deputy chair did not expect it to be so difficult. The new year is just beginning, but it promises to be ruthless. While the shadow of his former rival is still looming, Joe Biden must not be surprised what history will remember from his time in the White House.

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