March 31, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Blois, a worrying decline in HIV testing

Blois, a worrying decline in HIV testing

Despite the epidemic, the Free Information, Screening and Infection Diagnosis Center (CeGIDD) at the Simone Wheel Hospital Center in Blois continues its work to prevent AIDS and other infections. On January 5, it renewed its contract with the AIDES Center Wall-de-Loire Association.

By Jean-Luc Vazone

Crystelle Metereu (Healthcare Executive), Dr. Camille Gerbad (GeGIDD Coordinating Doctor), Fabian Riviere da Silva (AIDES), Mark Grickort (Chairman of the CHB Supervisory Board) and Olivier Surveyor-Lorenzet, CHB Director. Photo by Jean-Luc Vazone

With HIV testing declining by 20% in 2020, it is impossible to benefit from preventive treatment (PrEP), so this agreement is even more important. “Risk taking is on the rise. Condoms are no longer in fashion. This meeting will be more useful to reach out to people at risk as Kovid has had a negative impact on our actions. ”, Said Dr. Camille Gerbad, GeGIDD coordinating physician.

A small team consisting of the Health Executive, three nurses (including one in the CH Vandom‌) and the Secretary conducted 2,400 consultations in 2021, including vaccines (hepatitis A & B, papillomavirus). These conferences, which are always confidential, are intended for target audiences, from an epidemiological point of view, to tell people who are at risk of receiving or transmitting HIV, HBV, HCV and other sexually transmitted infections. Health area.

Community Health Association, with regional headquarters at 166 Rs de la Barrier Saint-Mark, Orleans AIDS Aims to fight HIV / AIDS and viral hepatitis. AIDES conducts its activities only within and within communities most affected by the HIV / AIDS and hepatitis epidemic.

Universal vision of Olivier Servaire-Lorenzet

Who is President Macron? ” Those who have not been vaccinated want to be sucked into the PCPart of the hospital community that wants to continue treating patients regardless of vaccination status is shocked, Oliver Survivor-Lorenzet forcibly intervened: “ It is not an epidemic that destroys many centuries of hospital values ​​in human service. We want to treat without judgment and for free. Discrimination is not acceptable. ”

Mark Grikort, Chairman of the CHB’s Supervisory Board, for his part, emphasized the importance of the prevention, screening and support missions provided by Public Hospitals: “It must be secured for all audiences by working in partnership like this deal with the assistants we deal with with good understanding. ”