March 17, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Boxing | Another struggle of Kim Clavell

Boxing |  Another struggle of Kim Clavell

“I was afraid I would never become an athlete. “Kim Clavell, devastated by Covid-19 last April, briefly believed his career was over.

Posted at 5:00 am

Jean-Francois Teotonio

Jean-Francois Teotonio

“It really knocked me out,” she said Press In an interview at the Center Claude-Robillard in Montreal. It knocked me out. completely.

“When I started training again, the first few times I pushed a little bit, I gasped. I was talking to the coaches about it, “It’s not like it used to be.” I am crying. […] Four days before my fight, I was ready for the world championship. Now I have trouble running for 10 minutes without being out of breath. »

Boxer remembers the tough times sitting on the bench in front of a representative of your everyday life. We were on the edge of the resort’s makeshift boxing facilities, in the hall above the athletics track. The basement, which normally houses the gymnasium, will be housed here for a few more years pending renovations.

“We nicknamed it the ‘boxing lane,'” coach Stephane LaRouche told us as he welcomed us, before hopping on a bike and circling several punching bags.

We keep our distance and we wear a mask, out of respect but above all for precaution. His Covid-19 infection in April forced, for the third time since December, a…