March 19, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Census and Elections

Census and Elections

News magazine Monday reminded us of a key fact to remember from past censuses: in 2040, Quebec will make up less than 20% of the Canadian population.

In 1995, its weight was more than 25%. In 1966 it was 28.9%. In a few decades, its depopulation will be complete. What remains of the people of Quebec is a folk remnant.


We know the argument of the skeptics: If Quebecers want to maintain their population weight, let them have more children. This is a rhetorical fraud. Because if there really is a dramatic crisis in the Western birth rate, it in no way explains the current situation.

English Canada was not in a situation of “overbreeding” sufficient to overwhelm the people of Quebec with certainty.

This acceleration is essentially explained, if not exclusively, by the massive immigration policy decided by the federal government, always subject to further logic.

Ottawa is far from ideological oblivion with the idea of ​​reaching a population of 100 million Canadians by the end of the century.

The response of federalist ideologues in Quebec is well known: to maintain its political weight in the federation, Quebec must raise its immigration thresholds significantly. It follows the demographic rhythm of the rest of the country.

We see the absurdity with which Canada leads us.

Because it is precisely the massive immigration policy led by the federal government and its minions, the Quebec minions, that explains the French retreat. Quebec cannot afford to welcome 50,000 immigrants a year (and it practically receives many). Its integration and francization potentials are saturated.

Mass immigration mathematically leads to the demographic dilution of the historic French-speaking majority, without which the people of Quebec would not exist. The latter is further pushed back from the greater Montreal area.

And so we see the Faustian pact proposed by Canada: Quebec, in order to maintain its political weight in the federation, must agree to be less and less French, and therefore less Québécois.

And if he does all he can to maintain the weight of the historical French-speaking majority and the French language, he will weigh less and less in the federation.

It is against this background that the October elections will be held and after that all


In other words, the more Quebecers believe they are building their own society, the more it becomes a sad delusion. Great discourses about our social choices belong in the domain of spoken words.

Quebecers cannot grasp the mandates that allow them to make the basic choices that shape their collective existence. They are content to make choices in a society whose existential and constitutional parameters are set by others.

Parties who do not take this matter seriously do not deserve to be taken seriously on October 3. They are only the organizers of our disappearance.