January 15, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Chambli is considering banning plastic bottles less than a liter

Chambli is considering banning plastic bottles less than a liter

The showdown began between the City of Chambli and grocers, convenience stores and restaurants, and the municipality enacted a draft by-law aimed at banning single-use products and plastic bottles under one liter in its boxes.

In recent weeks, the Association of Food Retailers of Quebec (ADA), representing the IGA and Metro merchants, has sent a letter to Myers Alexandra Labbe inviting her to review the wording of the draft by-law, which is effective January 1, 2022.

In a document submitted in March, the city of Chambli specifically sought to ban plastic and paper shopping bags, dishes and containers, utensils, straws and single-use packaging.

The sale of plastic bottles of less than one liter is prohibited, as are carbonated beverages, energy drinks or juices.

This is an issue that is troubling the ADA, especially due to its economic impact on retailers. Management believes that such an action could lead to a “commercial leak” as some consumers turn to other municipalities to buy their products.

“Whether it’s grocery stores or convenience stores, they sell these products. If the City wants to ban the sale, they will lose money. We are not in favor of this provision […] And the worst thing is that they did not contact us, “said Stephen Lacas, a spokesman for the association.

The latter recalls that in 2022 Quebec has already announced a deposit expansion for all beverage containers of less than 2 liters. “With this suggestion, we need to increase the recovery rate,” he said, adding that Citi de Chambli was “a little too far”.

Mr Lacasse said he had not seen such a measure anywhere else. He discovered Lassonde Industries, less than 20 kilometers away, which makes beverages with prohibited containers.

Low sales

Towards the community of Quebec’s merchants, convenience stores and grocers, management also fears that this measure will empty retailers ’fridges. We want the municipality to review its position.

“It’s very serious. We do not understand why the city of Chambli wants to go so far. We are talking about too many containers that customers are asking for,” CEO Yves Service said.

“It simply came to our notice then. For me, it’s not good, ”a convenience store owner added, preferring to keep his name silent.

At the Association des Restaurants du Quebec (ARQ), management is also concerned about the implications of this draft regulation. She considers some of the proposed actions to be “hasty”.

“It simply came to our notice then. When we thought of banning paper bags too […] How can restaurants deliver? », Asks Franకోois Meunier, Vice President of Public and Public Affairs of ARQ.

Last Tuesday, the city withdrew its vote on the draft by-law without giving further details. Unable to interview Meyers or municipal official.