January 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Christian, 83, a resident of the first nursing home, vaccinated Kovid in Gironde

Christian (à gauche) veut faire passer le message pour convaincre les gens de se faire vacciner.

Around the journalists, Christian, 83, all smiles appear in the hall of the Lormont Nursing Home. A few hours, He finally Kovid-19 was vaccinated. He was one of three companies selected to launch the vaccination campaign on Wednesday, January 6th. “It went well”, Guarantees the first Christian to be vaccinated in Lormont. “Also, I received injections during the war in the military and especially in Afghanistan. That’s other things!”

“We can not say it does not matter”, Tempers Christian. “But the most frightening moment is when I see the device, but if not. You should not be afraid at all!” Encountered those who talk about side effects “Disturbing”, Christian wants to calm the discussion. “Usually I have side effects while taking injections, but it went very well”, Explains the octogenarian.

“No need to worry”

“I did it wholeheartedly and I have no regrets”, Christian smiles wanting to deliver the message: “People who are hesitant, let them go! This is the real way to save yourself. By saving my life, I was able to save the lives of others as well. So we must do it!” In this Ehpad in Lormont, All three residents have already given their consent For vaccination. They should be sixty by weekly vaccinations.