October 17, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

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Chronic celibacy has an impact on men’s health

Chronic celibacy has an impact on men's health

According to a recent Danish study, sexual intercourse and years of celibacy can have an impact on men’s health.

The findings have been published Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health And marked Slate. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have studied the 26-year love life of nearly 10,000 people aged 48 to 62.

Result: Men who have experienced multiple breakups and years of celibacy are more prone to inflammation than others. “Chronic systemic inflammation plays a key role in driving many age-related pathologies, e.g. Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes … ”, the researchers note.

In detail, men who experienced more love separation than the reference group had 17% more inflammation. Swelling is also 12% higher in those who have been alone for at least seven years.

No results in women

This correlation is not observed in women. “Because the study was limited to a relatively small group of women, it could explain significant outcomes,” the researchers pointed out. At present, it is not possible to make a conclusion.

But if it is proven that women’s inflammatory health is less affected by celibacy than men, scientists have put forward some possible explanations. At one point men were more likely to show their grief externally Cleft, “For example, in the form of increased alcohol consumption, women internalize their problems in the form of more depressive symptoms”. It “affects inflammatory levels differently.”

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