January 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

CIUSSS-MCQ and Ville de la Tuc are mobilizing for increased screening of the population

Mon La Tuque

To prevent the spread of cases in the city, CIUSSS-MCQ and the City of La Tucs have teamed up to encourage the population to be tested for Kovid-19.

“Our municipality is now preparing an attack on the population, in order to encourage citizens to test for coronavirus if they have minor symptoms of La Tuk’s compilation in support of the actions taken by the CIUSC MCQ, no matter how small they may be. Community transmission is intensifying and the best way to stop it is to identify positive cases as soon as possible, ”explained Helen Langlais, Director of Communications at Ville de la Tuc.

Information is available on the Municipality website at the following link: https://www.ville.latuque.qc.ca/fr/actualites/2124/le-virus-se-propage-a-la-tuque-faites-vous-tester

On Tuesday afternoon, the Municipal Alert Service (SAM) will be used to convey this message to all La Tuk citizens.

“From today, we will also be broadcasting a radio ad in which the message is addressed to the population and will be repeated in Echo de la Tucu next week and next week. The message will also be shared on social media by our services. Does, ”concluded Helen Longlice.