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Condo: a new symptom linked to odinophia and omicran infection

Condo: a new symptom linked to odinophia and omicran infection

– Odinofagia covid – 19 has been reported to be a new feature of the infection. According to a Swedish study, these sore pains mainly affect young and vaccinated patients.I was diagnosed with her pain and other patients

Swedish researchers believe that they have found a new symptom caused by the covid-19 pollution. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, omisron variation may cause smell odor, swallow can be the disorder pain. According to researchers, young and vaccinated patients are mainly concerned.

He analyzed the profile of patients admitted to loin divisions. This is a specialized medical department for nose disorders, throat and ears. Their observation period expanded from January 1 to 23, 2022. In total, the experts were 20 patients, and 15 of them were “complete vaccinations.”


The Greek words translated “ê “wrote” phoge ” for pain and to eat it. Food, or liquid, pain in its travels by esophagus when it indicates pain.In esophageal cancer or a disorder of this omisron variant is not unusual, during several viral infection it may be experienced.Several viral infection checks

According to researchers, the nandrolone variant may include a decrease in patients suffering from loss of flavor or aroma. “Omisran variant seems to affect the acute laryngitis without necessarily upper respiratory tract and olfactory dysfunction,” the experts specify their conclusion.