January 5, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Confusion, difficulty breathing, red eyes, … Inflammatory syndrome in children is a concern in the United States

Confusion, difficulty breathing, red eyes, ... Inflammatory syndrome in children is a concern in the United States

Since January 2021, a significant increase in the number of cases of generalized inflammatory syndrome has been observed in the United States. Regardless of what is demonstrated with Kovid-19, the evolution of the occurrence of this syndrome follows the epidemic. Across the Atlantic, doctors are alerting symptoms for parents.

Symptoms of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) in children include severe fatigue, confusion, difficulty breathing, red eyes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and skin rashes. These are similar to Kawasaki disease, a syndrome that was initially confused at the onset of the Kovid-19 pandemic. True, some infected children develop this common inflammatory syndrome in the early spring of 2020.

Kovid-19, suspect n ° 1

Now detected, MIS-C still hides many unknowns.

Was it really triggered by Kovid-19 pollution? Unbeknownst to them, doctors at several American hospitals have observed an increase in the number of cases from 4 to 6 weeks after the peak in Kovid-19 cases. They anticipate an increase in MIS-C growth in February, following the outbreak of the epidemic across the Atlantic after the end of the year holidays. It is now underway with 2,617 cases, including a total of 33 deaths on March 1, against 1,000 people on October 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Atlanta. In addition, many young patients became infected several weeks before the onset of inflammatory syndrome.

Are there positive factors for the occurrence of this syndrome in children and adolescents? At present, there is nothing to answer this question. While most boys are affected, children between the ages of 1 and 20 and adolescents are at risk. That’s why American doctors especially alert parents. “When experiencing one or more symptoms of this syndrome, it is important to contact the emergency department immediately.”, Recommend CDC. If taken care of quickly, the majority will recover quickly.

Are there any after-effects? During this time, physicians encourage their patients to follow their patients on a long-term basis to detect any cognitive, developmental, or physical changes after hospitalization.