January 3, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

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COVID-19: It is difficult for children to access collective immunity without being vaccinated

COVID-19: It is difficult for children to access collective immunity without being vaccinated

Despite the expected vaccination rates and Coming of vaccination passport, Quebec will not be able to achieve specific mass immunity against COVID-19 until children under 12 years of age are vaccinated, many experts believe. A reality reflected in the management of the barrier gestures announced by Quebec on Tuesday, for schools and well-known vaccine passport holders.

The government on Tuesday halted the initial scenario of a “normal” return to school due to a recent rise in infections by the Delta variant. For his part, Health Minister Christian Dubey pointed out that the vaccine has not signed the issuance of passports, at least for the time being, the end of health measures.

These decisions are based on models that, especially with the Delta variant, are expected to increase vaccination rates by 90-95% to ensure specific mass immunity and, above all, to prevent overloading the damaged health system. Apparent staff shortage.

It accounts for more than 80% of the vaccinated population

“Currently the number of unvaccinated children in Quebec is enough to prevent them from gaining immunity. Although our figures are very good for vaccines 12 years and older, this transition situation is very uncomfortable,” a source close to the government said on Tuesday.

In fact, although it rarely makes children seriously ill, the Kovid-19 virus re-infects those under 12 years of age, even after being vaccinated twice, infecting other segments of the population. It is estimated that there are 560,000 children aged 6 to 11 years and 520,000 children under 6 years of age who are not vaccinated. So even though the vaccination passport is granted, there are barrier measures in some places for people who wear a mask in many areas and get double vaccinated.

According to Nicholas Browsso, a medical consultant at the National Institutes of Public Health (INSPQ) and a member of the Quebec Immunization Committee (CIQ), setting the “magic number” to achieve mass immunity is a matter of great acumen. The arrival of the Delta variant added a difficult multiplier to the exercise, as one infected person could infect six. Recent studies have also shown that vaccinated individuals can become infected and participate in the transmission of the virus.

“It accounts for more than 80% of the vaccinated population. One – third of young people have not yet received 2E Dosage. Those under 40 have a break in terms of complete vaccinations, and we need to look at it closely. In this case, it is difficult to reduce the reproducibility of the virus to 1. We have to take precautionary measures, ”said the vaccine expert.

The dR Brusso recalled that 90 percent or 95% of people who have been vaccinated twice, both young and old, are protected from severe COVID-19. “One dose is not enough,” which reduces the risk of disease by only 50%. “

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The study, by the Institute Pasteur in France, also aims to vaccinate children, which is crucial to achieving some control over the infection. The institute’s estimates are that this fall will affect young people under the age of 17.

Clinical trials are still underway to test the safety of Pfizer-Biotech and Modernna vaccines in children aged 5 to 11 years. According to government sources, the approval of these vaccines will first take place in late October 2021 and early October 2022.

In data | Learn everything about COVID-19

In Europe, many Experts, Including the President of the French Vaccine Strategy, eradication of the virus is now considered impossible and now instead rely on seasonal vaccine boosts to ease control measures.

“I have never believed in mass immunity. Current vaccines protect against serious illness, but are less susceptible to infection. Andre Wheellet, a member of the Working Group on the Vaccine Against, said it was created by the federal government.

“In high-risk settings, people who have been vaccinated must also wear a mask as long as the transmission lasts. And always elsewhere on the planet. In science, it’s natural to review our hypotheses.

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