(New York) When Donald Trump wanted to show the American right that he was a trustworthy man, he sought the help of Leonard Leo, vice president of the Federalist Society, an organization of conservative and liberal jurists.
Because of Richard
Special contribution
This is the beginning of the 2016 presidential election campaign. Leo responded by compiling a list of candidates for the victory of ultra-conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died suddenly. And Trump was in a hurry to reveal it.
Today, Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society are proud to have played a direct role in the selection and determination of nine Supreme Court judges: John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanagh and Amy Connie. Barrett.
This feat made Leo one of the most influential people many Americans have ever heard of. A Fundamentalist Catholic and a member of the Order of Malta, this Long Island native is a networking genius. Since the early 1990s, he has created through the Federalist Society and many other organizations, creating a vast fraternity of jurists for its purpose when the Constitution was adopted more than 200 years ago.
Photo by Caroline Coaster, Associated Press Archives
Leonard Leo, former Vice President of the Federalist Society
His vision is on the verge of becoming a reality: contraception, abortion and homosexuality infiltrating federal courts to bring the United States back to a time when they had no constitutional rights.
To achieve their goals, Leo and his allies have amassed hundreds of millions of dollars over the years from billionaires whose identities are often unknown. But Koch Industries, the Chevron and Richard Mellon Skyf Foundation, among others, are one of the largest contributors to the Federalist Society. They generally oppose any action that fights against global warming that is disrupting their interests.
And the new Supreme Court majority could grant one of their favorite wishes this week or early next week and justify every donation they make to the Federalist Society and other Leonard Leo organizations.
“The worst is yet to come. Last Friday, after Rowe’s dissolution. Wade, this phrase crossed the lips of many who were worried about the future of American rights.
However, this “worse” is also the “West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)”.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the federal government agency EPA has the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants, which generate about 20% of the state’s power-United.
In 2007, the Supreme Court recognized the EPA’s authority, with an overwhelming majority, as the agency was responsible for curbing air pollution under the Clean Air Act of 1960.
However, the Supreme Court has been transformed since 2007. It now has ultra-conservative judges who want to overthrow the so-called “governance status” embedded here by the EPA. Last March, during the trial of “West Virginia v. EPA,” the same judges sympathized with the plaintiffs’ claim that it was Congress – not the EPA – that controlled CO2 emissions – 15 attorney generals from conservative states.2 Coal based power plants.
The catch is that Congress is doing nothing about global warming under the legal lobbying of the Federalist Society and the influence of the same donors who funded the Republican Attorney General’s election campaign.
One such scenario is coupled with the Supreme Court decision to remove the ability to regulate CO from the EPA2 According to environmentalists, coal-fired power plants could become a disaster for the planet.
“Without efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, temperatures could rise to 5.6 degrees Celsius and have an irreversible effect for thousands of years,” meteorologists wrote to the Supreme Court.
But Leonard Leo did not want to stop there. The new organization, the head of CRC Advisors, the former vice president of the Federalist Society, is leading the legal actions of the Republican Attorney General and targeting the “administrative state” rules that are being challenged in court.
One of these rules announced by the Biden administration in 2021 is that manufacturers aim to reduce car pollution by selling more electric vehicles.
When they take up the case, the ultra-conservative Supreme Court judges who owe Koch Industries and Chevron a portion of the money for their position scan the constitution and look without mention of electric vehicles. Can we doubt their judgment?