March 28, 2025

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Does sun exposure have a positive effect on breast cancer?

Does sun exposure have a positive effect on breast cancer?


  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. About one in eight women will develop this malignant tumor in their lifetime.
  • Extensive sun exposure reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.

Improve courage, boost immunity, strengthen bones … The sun has many health benefits. According to A study published in the Journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & PreventionDaily exposure to its rays on December 22nd reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. To conduct their research, scientists from the University of Puerto Rico, San Juan and the State University of New York, Buffalo recruited 307 breast cancer patients and 328 non-breast cancer patients.

The researchers compared the participants’ skin pigment, using a chrometer, to assess their sun exposure. “This study is unique in that it involves Puerto Rican women. Said Joe L. Freudenheim, lead author of the study A statement.

More sunlight to reduce the risk of breast cancer

According to the results, greater exposure to sunlight reduces the risk of breast cancer. Women with darker skin are less likely to develop this malignant tumor. “When the skin is exposed to sunlight there is a phase in the internal production of vitamin D. Sunlight affects the body in many other ways, affecting inflammation, obesity and rhythms. Circadians”Explained Joe L. Freudenheim.

“Although recent recommendations suggest limiting sun exposure to prevent skin cancer, some sun exposure may also be beneficial.” The researcher concluded from the State University of New York in Buffalo.