January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Dream Health Insurance is looking for them

L'Assurance maladie appelle un à un les plus âgés qui ne sont pas vaccinés.

They spend hours making phone calls: just under a dozen employees of the Primary Health Insurance Fund of Drom (CPAM) every day 26% of Dreamois over the age of 75 have not yet been vaccinated against Kovid-19. Slightly better than average ratio in France (at least 30% of French people over 75 have had at least one injection). Every day, health insurance employees list unwanted people through their file, and Call them one by one, To provide a meeting for them. “We offer them to be vaccinated at one of the ten vaccination centers in Dream, where they are assigned slots”, Explains Dorian Dern, director of services at Drom CPM.

It is difficult to draw a distinctive portrait

“People over the age of 75 who have not yet been vaccinated have very different profiles. Dorian Dern added. These are insecure people, those who stay away from digital, those who try to make an appointment but are frustrated because they can’t. “ For those who do not want to be vaccinated due to lack of confidence, “We are not here to persuade them. The goal of this campaign is not at all. We are there to support those who want to be vaccinated.” Assure Dorian Derne.

Some believe phone scams

Another big hurdle to this appeal campaign: Those who drop out sometimes think Be a victim of telephone canvassing or scams. “Some people are hanging out with us, we don’t even have time to explain the reason for our call”, Isabelle Ponsard, the head of the team that makes these phone calls, is worried. Health insurance therefore reminds you that it can depend on the number you present. If you get a call From 36 46 or 0 800 730 956, You can be assured, this is CPAM who really wants to give you a vaccine appointment.