According to Environment Canada, the whole of southern Quebec will be hit by warnings of extreme cold and snow scandals earlier in the week.
Temperatures in many parts of the country could fluctuate between -38 C and -42 C on Tuesday morning. Strong winds of Arctic mass have been reported in the ABTB, Beaus, Charlevoix, Drummondville, Estre, Lanaudier and Laurence areas.
Mauritius, Montreal, Laval and Quebec were also affected by the extreme cold warning.
It’s snowing
As of Monday morning, Environment Canada had warned that snow scandals could reduce visibility in many areas.
“On this front, temperatures drop rapidly and make surfaces icy and slippery,” one said.
Travel can be dangerous due to a sudden change in weather conditions.
These heavy winters are expected throughout southern Quebec. Visibility is quickly reduced to zero due to heavy snow and blowing snow.
“Snow scandals cause a lot of change in weather conditions; It is not uncommon to go to an area with heavy snow just a few kilometers from the clear sky. ”