December 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Flu Vaccine – Le Journal de Chambli

Vaccination contre la grippe

The seasonal flu vaccination campaign will start from November 1. The three Integrated Health and Social Services Centers (CISSS) in Monterrey have already opened appointments and the excitement is evident.

“The problem is that exceptionally this year, all appointments must be made online, with a few exceptions, for those who do not have access to the Internet or have no autonomy. Pharmacist Mohand Boudzebla, co-owner of Uniprix in Richelieu, said in an interview with the newspaper. “Before, I can give you an idea of ​​the number of appointments, because I took them. But this year, we can’t clearly count them to explain the interest in the vaccine, though we know it. “

“Time slots fill up quickly (…) There is a desire to be vaccinated. “- Mohand Boudzebla

Demand for supply
This interest, Mr. Boudzebla comments, a figure failed to give. “Time slots are filling up, which shows a desire to be vaccinated. We hope this continues. If it continues in this way, I think the interest will be equal to or greater than what preceded Kovid. “

To make an appointment
Appointments can be made through the Click Sante platform by selecting the “Seasonal Flu Vaccine” service, or by telephone.

Flu vaccination time slots are provided free of charge to targeted clients who are at risk of complications. People who are flu shot free are pregnant women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, people with chronic illness and people 75 and older.

People close to those targeted by the flu vaccine, children under the age of six months and health workers can also get the vaccine for free.
“The vaccine is the simplest and most effective way to protect against the complications of the seasonal flu, mainly for those at high risk,” says the Department of Health and Social Services.

In addition, the CISSS de la Montérégie recalled that “the vaccine against COVID does not replace the vaccine against the flu”. It is therefore recommended that you have both vaccines when you are a client at risk. Mr Boudzebla recalled that he had to spend at least four weeks to get the vaccine and his last dose of Kovid vaccine.
Considering the recommendation to give a third dose of Kovid vaccine to the most vulnerable individuals, residents of endangered living or care environments may be able to receive both the influenza vaccine and the additional dose against Kovid at the same time.