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#FrandroidOffreMe is the complete Logitech pack for gaming

#FrandroidOffreMe is the complete Logitech pack for gaming

Christmas is approaching and we are in the 23rd box in the #FrandroidOffreMoi Advent Calendar‌. We invite you to win the Logitech G Pack (mouse, keyboard and headphones).

#FrandroidOffreMe is the complete Logitech pack for gaming

What if on the eve of Christmas you were happy with some beautiful gaming-based products? This is the exact goal we want to help you achieve with the prize pack you are trying to win. This is the 23rd day of our #FrandroidOffreMoi Advent Calendar competition on social networks.

Day 23: The Ideal Logitech Pack for Gaming

Today, three Logitech products are offered. The brand has established itself as a benchmark in PC peripherals, especially for those who want to enjoy the best experience in video games. In the program, gaming mouse, gaming headset and gaming keyboard.

I named it:

  • Logitech G502 Wireless Mouse;
  • Logitech G435 Wireless Headset;
  • And Logitech G512 keyboard.

How to win this Logitech gaming pack

On Twitter

To play on Twitter, you must tweet “#FrandroidOffreMoi the Logitech G pack”, retweet and like our publication and follow Frandroid and Logitech G France accounts.

Competition day 23

Win the G502 Mouse, G435 Headset and G512 Keyboard from Logitech G

To participate:
1️⃣ Tweet #FrandroidOffreMe Logitech G Pack
2️⃣ Like RT +
3️⃣ Follow Frandroid + LogitechGFrance

TAS 27/12

– Frontroid (Frontroid) December 23, 2021

On Instagram

To compete on Instagram, specify who needs to ramp up their gaming setup like our post and subscribe to Frandroid and Logitech G accounts.

On Facebook

On Facebook, tell people you know that you need this pack.

The draw will take place on December 27th, wait!

To follow us, we invite you Download our Android and iOS app. You can read our articles, files and watch our latest YouTube videos.

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