October 4, 2024

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French President | Sarkozy supports Macron

French President |  Sarkozy supports Macron

(Paris) Nicolas Sarkozy came out of his silence on Tuesday, surprisingly supporting Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election, calling for a rally around the presidency of a candidate who could accelerate the reunification of the right.

Posted at 6:37
Updated at 8:25 p.m.

Claire Galen
France Media Agency

“I will vote for Emmanuel Macron,” the former head of state on Facebook (2007-2012) did not support LR candidate Valerie Pekresse in the first round, upsetting the party he created.

Emmanuel Macron thanked him shortly for “his faith and support”, emphasizing that “we must gather very widely.”

To justify his decision, Nicolas Sarkozy called on Barrage on the right, citing important factors such as “credibility for the values ​​of the Republican right” and “devaluation of work” by the outgoing president. As well as his “clear and unambiguous” European commitment.

This allegiance to moderate values ​​and “our government culture” will, he says, “lead to a response to the call for Emmanuel Macron’s rally in the run-up to the presidential election.”

A clear indication of the “political supremacy” that Emmanuel Macron stated in early April.

“I was surprised he only did it in the second round. I thought he would do it from the beginning,” Marine Le Pen commented at the press conference, echoing the irony: “I wonder if I ended up putting up posters, because Nicolas Sarkozy and Luxembourg (who) are Marines. Called to defeat.Le Pen, it could unlock votes for me.

Despite LR’s disastrous score in the first round (4.78%), a number of deputies, including Nicolas Sarkozy’s desire to negotiate a coalition with Emmanuel Macron beyond the PM’s position, have been mentioned in recent weeks by several media outlets. Presidential elections significantly weaken the power of right-wing bargaining.

As expected, this position in the form of rejection is a stone in the pool of Republicans who hit Monday that “is not fungal in macronism or lepenism.”

“We will not rebuild the right by diluting ourselves in macronism,” Senator Boss LR Bruno Retail said on Twitter.

“It will rock”

“The opposition will not be reduced to a confrontation between the presidential majority and the radical parties,” Senate President Gerard Larcher responded.

The gap between Nicolas Sarkozy and the LR in the presidential campaign continues to widen, where he never supported Valerie Pekresse.

According to reports in the press, the former head of state, who is developing a close relationship with Emmanuel Macron, was treated harshly by the candidate: “does not exist”, “Valerie understood nothing”, “she’s good to be quoted. I” …

The LRs gave up all hope on support. “I’m looking my way,” Valerie Pekresse repeated fatally. And this break was publicly completed at its last Parisian meeting when the name of Nicolas Sarkozy was whistled by a section of the public.

The coalition proposal on Tuesday particularly turned the right wing of the LR into a tense one. “Dissolving the right in the Macronian ideological vacuum is a short-term vision,” warned Chalన్n-sur-Savon Gilles Platret Meyer.

Nicolas Sarkozy for Sovereign Deputy Julian Abert “broke the silence to explain to us that he wants a major reunion with N’Marche, the answer is no”.

But this temptation is greatest among LR deputies or party moderates who are worried about being re-elected in the June legislative elections, whether it is Macron or those who have already joined Edward Philippe’s Horizons party.

“The hypothesis should be on the table, it will rock,” one deputy predicted.

As of Tuesday, Nicolas Sarkozy, Emmanuel Macron’s deputy, was convinced that Nicolas Sarkozy’s right to adhere to “force and clarity” because it was “the only choice in the national interest”.

Others like to see a kind of “year zero” in this blasting‌.

“We have to turn the page on the Sarkozy generation,” said MP Pierre-Henri Dumont.

For party Aurélien Pradié’s No. 3, “the only party Macron wants is big risk”. “Basically, it could be an opportunity,” he said on Twitter.

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