Initially scheduled until April 12, these special events, which include Gatino and The MRC
Des Collins-de-Eltois, like Quebec and Lewis, will be in operation on Sunday, April 18.As you can see, we are in the third wave. […] I understand the Quebeckers who say a lot of changes have been announced in the last year. But the situation is changing
, Prime Minister Franois Legalt opened at a press conference late Thursday. As we saw yesterday, the number of cases has increased significantly. We need to see where these increases are. These are the areas that always concern us: the Capitol-National, the Chowder-Appalaches and the Autouis. Despite the measures announced last week, the situation is difficult. And unfortunately, until Sunday, April 18 we announced that we were going to extend the activities there for another week.
In these four areas, curfew will be in place for another week from 8pm to 5am, with primary and secondary schools closed, cinema, theaters and museums, as well as shops deemed unnecessary.
This is not our first choice [de fermer les écoles], But the situation in those places is dire.
Restaurants, for their part, should limit themselves to delivery and take-out and open businesses can only sell what they need.
The limit on places of worship can also be reduced to 25 and outdoor sports or leisure activities are allowed only with people living at the same address or in groups of up to eight.
The increase in new cases in the area in recent days has convinced Gatino and the government to continue these special measures MRC
Des Collins-de-Eltois, the rest of the T-Voice is in the Red Zone, with slightly less stringent regulations, such as a curfew at 9:30 p.m.The next few weeks are critical.
I understand that everyone is tired, but we have come a long way and we still have a part to do
, Added Mr. Legalt, who made a positive assessment of the current vaccine campaign and invited the population who would like to be vaccinated.
To the Prime Minister, the vaccine Passport to freedom
Experts demand vaccines
Suzanne Tremble, president of the Ata Toys Teaching Union (SEO), welcomed the extension of school closures in Gatino and the extra week. MRC
Des Collins-de-El Otauis.The virus, it really is and it is spreading in schools
, She argued in an interview. It is well received from teachers to know that we are careful and that schools are closed for their health and safety, but also for students.
Ms. Tremble, however, emphasized the importance of making teachers a priority on the list of people who should be vaccinated. Teachers in the Montreal area remembered her Vaccines have recently been approved. In his opinion, it should be the same everywhere.
Manon Saint-Denis, director general of the Cope Libele Juvenile Center (CPE), also called for vaccinations to be a priority for the educated.
Ms. Saint-Denis argues that although children were relatively avoided during the first waves, the arrival of new variants changed the game. We will not spread
, All sanitation measures are highly respected throughout the province, she said CPE .
Of course we all want that CPE
Of Quebec […] Prioritize in this sense.
For Dominic Brisbois, co-owner of Atmas’ Hair Coifoor in Gatino, this new closure is a real headache. She feels some frustration with the changing actions.
Same story with the Regiment des Gens d’Affairs de la Capital National (RGA).
There is a lot of fatigue right now among entrepreneurial entrepreneurs, especially those who do not trust it and do not care and reduce their costs.
, Underlined the company’s director general Liz Sarajin. This is unfortunate because they have accumulated debts.
Limit travel
Shortly before today, the Ministry of Public Safety issued a press release stating that, as of Thursday, it was prohibited for a person with a major residence on alert levels. Red and orange in the yellow or green zone, with rare exceptions such as humanitarian travel.
Currently, Nunavic and Terrace-Cries-de-la-By-James are in the Green Zone, and C కోట్te d’Ivoire, Nord-du-Quebec and Gaspeci-Ols-de-La-Madeleine are in the yellow zone.
Violators can be fined from $ 1,000 to 000 to ,000 6,000.
With information from Camille Boutin, Mama Afou and Larry Trudell
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