January 11, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Green light in the United States for Moderna’s second anti-covid-19 vaccine

Green light in the United States for Moderna's second anti-covid-19 vaccine

The United States Medicines Agency (FDA) said on Friday that the United States had granted emergency approval for Modrana’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Also read: All the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic

Therefore the prevention from the young biotechnology company will join the Pfizer / Biotech alliance in a massive vaccination campaign that began Monday in the United States.

“Congratulations, Modernna’s vaccine is now available!” Welcoming President Donald Trump.

In the case of the Pfizer / BioMTech vaccine, which was approved 7 days ago, the green light came from the FDA the day after the American Expert Committee came up with a favorable opinion.

If Pfizer / BioMtech’s compensation had already set a record, Moderna would be even better off: their vaccine was approved 19 days after the official request was filed, compared to Pfizer’s 22.

“As two vaccines are now available for prevention against COVID-19, the FDA has taken a new key step in the fight against this pandemic,” said its chief D.C.r Stephen Hahn.

The delivery of the doses thought for months should begin quickly. “The trucks are literally waiting next to the factory, loading them up and leaving as soon as the FDA is OK,” Moderna’s owner Stefan Bansell told AFP.

The US government’s 200 million doses (compared to 100 million at Pfizer) pre-purchased vaccine is 94.1% effective, according to data synthesis by the FDA from Modrana, which greatly reduces the chances of getting COVID-19.

The Massachusetts-based company has promised to deliver 20 million doses by the end of December 2020, followed by an additional 80 million in the first quarter of 2021 and the remaining 100 million in the second quarter (i.e. by the end of June).

Because it is taken in two doses over a four-week period, it is compatible with the 100 million people who have been vaccinated.

As recommended by U.S. health officials, priority is given to over-exposed caregivers and residents of retirement homes.

The pandemic country is the United States, where more than 313,000 deaths and 17.4 million COVID-19 cases have been confirmed.