January 15, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Hydro-Quebec: Joe Biden calls on seven indigenous communities for help

Hydro-Quebec: Joe Biden calls on seven indigenous communities for help

President Joe Biden, a group of seven indigenous groups from Maine, Quebec and Labrador, has appealed to the administration to block the hydro-Quebec construction of a new power line to Massachusetts.

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In a letter to the White House, Commonwealth President Biden called on Donald Trump, who authorizes the so – called New England Clean Energy Connect project, to revoke presidential permission issued five days before his departure.

The 233-kilometer-long electric transmission line project in the United States should allow 1,200 megawatts of electricity to be transmitted from Quebec to Massachusetts via Maine. The project, which competed in the courts, was the reason for the next fall referendum.

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The Penobscott Nation is supported by the “Inno Nation” in Labrador, and the Pesamite (Inno), Vemotasi (Atticamec), Picogon, Kitsisakic and Lock Simon (Anishnabek) indigenous communities in Quebec. Everyone accuses the Indigenous countries of making hydro profits without consulting or paying compensation for the use of their ancestral lands (for the production of electricity and transmission lines).

“It is absurd for the Canadian and Quebec governments to ask the highest American officials to enforce our rights when they need to do so,” he said.

A letter was also sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The latter, like Joe Biden, has not yet responded at the time of this writing.

The Crown Corporation, called upon to respond, indicated that the questionable way “does not affect the lands or territory of the Indian Reserve which is currently subject to specific arguments that are not resolved by comprehensive land disputes or aboriginals.”

In fact, nearby indigenous communities have been established “more than 80 kilometers from the starting point of the future line”.

It also ensures that the hydroelectric facilities in Quebec used for the project were built on government land. And this, while respecting the “legal framework in force at the time.”

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