October 24, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Impressive videos, but not tornadoes

Impressive videos, but not tornadoes

Videos of impressive weather phenomena resembling tornadoes were shared on social media on Tuesday.

• Also Read: “It’s mind-blowing!”: An impressive cloud formation seen in Sainte-Adèle

One video was shot in Sainte-Adèle in the Laurentians and the other was shot later in the evening, on the Saint-Laurent River in the Quebec region.

In both cases, though threatening, funnel-shaped clouds appeared, Environment Canada ruled Tuesday that they were not tornadoes.

In an interview with TVANOuvelles.ca, Simon Legault, a meteorologist with the federal agency, confirmed the information Wednesday morning.

“In the case of Saint-Adèle, we really see a cloud extending towards the Earth. It does not appear to be rotating and there is no damage report or much evidence,” explained Mr. Legault.

“For us these are not tornadoes, but funnel clouds.”

He noted that Sainte-Adele’s cloudy funnel had hit a wooded sector and that analysis of satellite images would be possible to see if there was damage on the ground.

However, researchers will not go to the site.

Environment Canada invites those who see it to send pictures via social media or via email [email protected].

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