January 4, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Indre-et-Loir is one of the 10 most involved disciplines in colorectal cancer screening

Donné par le médecin traitant, ce kit permet de réaliser chez soi le dépistage du cancer colorectal.

As every year, March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month: With 17,000 deaths in 2018, the disease is the second deadliest cancer in France. When it is detected early, colorectal cancer is cured in 90% of cases. The problem is that men and women between the ages of 50 and 74 get free screening every two years through health insurance.

40.6% participation in screening at Indre-et-Loire, ten points higher than the national average

Nationally, only 30.5% of the population concerned are screened for colon cancer. In Indre-et-Loire, participation is 10 points above the national average: 40.6%. This is specifically explained Pilot Division for Screening since Turine 2004, Four years before the test nationwide. So our health professionals are more aware of this and this is a message that many send well to their patients between the ages of 50 and 74 years. “Four out of ten people who take the test, it’s good, but we should not be satisfied with it,” said Dr. Ken Hagunoyer, medical director of the Cancer Screening Center. “It’s not fair to write this test, or talk about it. It is a common way to work for his health and the health of his brothers, sisters, and his children., Because if one is identified as a carrier of polyps or adenomas this means that the immediate family is also at greater risk of having them.

In 2018, 58,000 tests were performed on Indre-et-Loire

The test is a simple stool sample that should be taken at home alone using the kit given by your doctor. You must send the sample by post to a lab that will take two weeks to notify you of the test result: over 58,000 touriners did so in 2018 (recent year with data available). It has detected 128 cancers and over a thousand adenomas It can turn into cancer 10 to 15 years later.