July 3, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Influencers on the plane: Three federal ministers call for an inquiry

Influencers on the plane: Three federal ministers call for an inquiry

Three federal ministers have called for an investigation into the behavior of influencers who violated the rules relating to Kovid-19 and aviation security.

Also read: The return flight for Quebec Influencers at the party was canceled

“The health and safety of flight attendants and passengers is of the utmost importance during air travel. We are aware of the unacceptable behavior and non-compliance of masks and other aviation safety requirements during the Sunwing Charter flight between Montreal and Cancun on December 30, 2021, “Transport Minister Omar Algabra said in a statement on Tuesday; Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos and Minister of Public Security, Marco Mendicino.

He said the government was taking the report of such incidents very seriously.

“Transport Canada is in consultation with the carrier regarding this aircraft. If the ministry determines that it does not comply with the regulations and requirements, passengers will be fined up to $ 5,000 per violation, ”the statement said.

Framed return

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and key partners coordinate the process of returning travelers to Canada. Passengers suspected of violating the regulations will be referred to the PHAC. Any suspicious or fraudulent document will be kept intact.

Providing false information to a Canadian government representative after entering Canada is a serious offense and the offender faces criminal penalties and charges. Summary If a passenger is convicted of a felony, they could face a fine of up to $ 750,000, up to 6 months in prison, or both.

In case of harm and harm to the lives of others, the passenger is liable to imprisonment for up to 3 years and a fine of up to $ 1,000,000.

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The Government of Canada continues to advise all Canadians to avoid unnecessary travel outside of Canada at this time.

The three ministers assured that “we will continue to work with our carriers, airports and our other partners in the field of transport to take all necessary steps to protect the health of Canadians and Canada’s air transport system.”

See also

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