And although he is not the clearest choice, there is one competitor that we must all pull: New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.
When Biden committed to choosing a female partner in mid-March, the coronavirus pandemic had not yet reached its peak in the US. However, given the ongoing public health crisis and free economic downturn, the choice of bets for number two is even higher. And people from all walks of politics want strong leadership.
Governors, like Lujan Grisham, flex their leadership muscles in response to the coronavirus crisis, and the American people respond positively. The current US governor has a much higher approval rating than President Donald Trump and is slightly higher than the federal health agency for their pandemic response, according to a poll from Monmouth University, and also several country surveys.
Lujan Grisham’s response to this pandemic is exemplary. He took swift action in the early days of the crisis which, according to state officials, were key to New Mexico’s success in leveling the curve. New Mexico is one of the first dozen or so states announce school closure and stay at home order – March 16 and March 23 respectively. Too establish the first drive-through test for coronavirus in the country was March 16 and opened more than 50 testing sites across the state, prioritizing at-risk populations.
Even before the pandemic began wreaking havoc, February track polls the Kaiser Family Foundation found health and economic care to be the two most pressing problems among voters in the country, scoring 26% and 23% respectively. And, for permanent voters, health care ranks higher: 28%, according to the survey. For all the focus Democrats placed on health care to win in the 2018 midterm elections and defining the main debates of this cycle, here’s a new idea: What about candidates for vice president with actual health care experience?
From six Democratic female governors in that country, only Lujan Grisham had previously led the state health department. During his tenure, New Mexico double the amount health centers from 34 to 68, expanding home care for seniors, building new state laboratories, all while improving infectious disease prevention programs.
But perhaps more important than his leadership or health record is his election record – and Lujan Grisham has a record of winning big. In 2018, he took the governor’s house back after two Republican terms, winning by more than 14 points. He also outperformed the pre-election joint poll with an additional 6 points. As a US Representative, his victory was even more convincing: he won his last term with a difference of 30 points.
Lujan Grisham also has one quality that is the key to victory this year: He is willing to fight for whatever he believes in and with all the strength he can muster. He actually ran into a White House meeting on immigration in 2018 to talk to Trump. As chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, he rode along with House Democrat Whip Steny Hoyer to the meeting, strolled uninvited and told reporters that Congress and the government were making the Deferred Action for the Arrival of a Compromised Child “more difficult than it should be.” Becomes.”
In general, I am not a supporter of identity politics, finding nominations based on ethnicity does not need to be divisive, I fully support the diversification of our national leadership to reflect our people. Lujan Grisham is not only the leader of the entire Latinx state, but also a part of our underdeveloped and rapidly developing part of the population: the West.
Democratic party has never been a vice president or president from the West. Countries like Nevada, Arizona, and Utah among the fastest growing in this country, even when population growth slows nationally. Western countries may not be electoral giants, but this region is where people keep moving. It’s always been a place where free progress prowls around, but it is has also been mixed with a style of libertarianism, with wide open spaces reminiscent of the attitude of life and let live. Lujan Grisham will return the grit and Western perspective to Washington, as he did when he served in Congress.
Give a nod to the population of Latinx must attract candidates to the southwest. New Mexico is still far away the wisest percentage of Latin states. Having the former Chair of the Congressional Caucus Congress, which has helped Democrats nationally formulate policies for the Latin community in general, would be a bold step for the party, and the right step for our country, whose global image of being compassionate and welcoming has been greatly tarnished in recent years .
New Mexico has a governor who is able to lead in difficult times. His records show he can do the same for America. Joe Biden must choose as his partner: Michelle Lujan Grisham.
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