September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Keeping people healthy and working during an epidemic is the city’s goal: Sudbury CAO

Keeping people healthy and working during an epidemic is the city’s goal: Sudbury CAO

As the city enters its 218th day of a COVID-caused emergency, city CAO Ed Archer told council on Tuesday that co-operation and co-operation between organizations is essential as the weather cools and winter approaches.

“As winter approaches we need closer cooperation and awareness and the risk of COVID is in our community,” he told councilors. “We are in an emergency, and it continues to thrive. Thank you to the city staff and our community partners for their continued commitment to respond thoughtfully and keep the health and safety of our community in mind.”

As the epidemic continues, Archer said the city and its community partners are working together to keep Greater Sudbury safe and prepared for potential changes in the coming seasons.

Archer on Tuesday submitted an update to the Council on the work being done by the Community Control Group in response to COVID-19.

He said the group started meeting in mid-January and has been meeting once a week since mid-March. The community control group includes Mayor Brian Bigger and senior staff from the city; Health Sciences North; Public Health Sudbury and Districts; As well as the Greater Sudbury Police Service. It reviews the local status of the virus, evaluates responses and takes action. The role of the group is to establish coordinated emergency action plans.

“On April 6, I declared a state of emergency for the city of Greater Sudbury, after careful consideration and dialogue with health, councilors and other local leaders,” Bigger said. “I am proud of the work that the Community Control Group has done and is doing to help our community formulate emergency action plans and respond to ongoing changes. Please be vigilant and stay safe. Do not undo the great progress we have made so far. ”

Over the past few months, the city has used illustration-planning to develop a pandemic response strategy during the fall and winter months, when the incidence of flu and cold is likely to increase.

The goal for the next few months is to keep people healthy and working, Archer said; To provide community support to vulnerable citizens; To protect those living in long-term care facilities; To increase flu vaccine intake; To monitor supply chains; And planning for other emergencies.

“At the outset of this epidemic, with coordination guided by public health professionals, we recognized the importance of getting a city-wide response. That collaboration is coupled with our community’s commitment to following public health advice, helping us create it through the first wave with relatively low case numbers and an manageable hospital rate, ”said Joseph Nichols, GM of Community Safety. “When the case numbers reach record levels, we must go back to following those simple rules. They will keep us going for a long time.”

Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, a health medical officer at Public Health, reiterated the importance of maintaining social distance and wearing a mask. In addition to keeping the bubble at home as long as possible, these are the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“Today is eight months since we reported the first case of COVID-19 in our area. Today we are reporting on case 186. Apparently, almost a third of all local cases – 56 – were reported only last week,” she said. We entered the second wave of -19. How this wave develops and the actions and limitations needed to control it are in our hands. Make no mistake, our daily activities allow the virus to spread or contain. We can choose wisely and keep our intimate relationships with the members of our household; We can wear a mask; Keep away; Stay home when sick; Test if COVID-19 symptoms develop. ”

Sutcliffe said infections are on the rise among young people, especially those in their 20s. In Greater Sudbury, there have been recent positive confirmations among members at two secondary schools, one post-secondary institution, as well as two McDonald’s positions. She said it was not unexpected, it had been seen in other parts of the province.

“It really speaks to the need for young people to be social and have connections,” she says. “But they need to know how to do it in a safe way.”

Ward 7 count. Although there have been many cases of young people getting sick from COVID-19, Mike Jacobo has found out how many young people feel invincible. Sutcliffe said the health department is working on a program aimed at youth in secondary and post-secondary schools.

She said it was up to residents and the public to decide whether or not to impose sanctions.

“We can avoid the necessary, but financially and mentally costly, limitations,” Sutcliffe said. “Increasing the COVID-19 numbers means putting incredible stress on our public health and health care systems, our schools and our businesses, and most importantly the health and lives of vulnerable people like our grandparents, our neighbors with chronic health conditions. Each of us can do it. “

Sudbury on Tuesday evaded curfew orders and other orders, but would not hesitate to use her power to impose orders if residents did not comply with current recommendations to stay inside the bubble and stay home as long as possible. People should not gather to socialize, he pointed out, a Halloween party that turned bad in New Sudbury.

Public health is advising the public that anyone attending a Halloween party on October 31 at 955 Meadowside Avenue in Greater Sudbury could have COVID-19 exposed. The party took place without the knowledge of the owner of the house, ”Public Health announced on Tuesday. “Anyone who attends this meeting is advised to immediately self-isolate, consult public health and get tested for COVID-19. Self-loneliness means leaving home for work or school, not using public transportation, and avoiding contact with others.

“Public Health is advising the public about this exposure because we do not have the information to contact everyone who is exposed. It is imperative that anyone attending this party follow public health guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus.”

The health unit on Tuesday reported five new cases of COVID-19, bringing the number of active cases to 59. Most are in Greater Sudbury, with some cases not found elsewhere in the district. To date, two deaths have been attributed to COVID-19 and 125 successful conclusions have been reached. 96,000 tests were performed in the public health catchment area and 186 were tested.

One person with COVID-19 has been admitted to Health Sciences North, while 11 are awaiting test results.

“When we see the number of cases in our community increasing, we are concerned about the need for people to be hospitalized,” said HSN CEO Dominic Girox. “Everyone needs to do their part to protect our hospitals and other healthcare partners from overcrowding and work now to reduce COVID-19 transmission.”

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