December 26, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Kovid-19: Matapedia adds eight new cases to its report

Kovid-19: Matapedia adds eight new cases to its report

Boss-Saint-Laurent recorded 10 new Kovid-19 cases, including eight in La Matapedia’s MRC, making it one of the most infected MRCs per 100,000 residents in Quebec after Nunavic.

Also read: Matapedia: Authorities are concerned about the increase in cases

On Wednesday, 103 cases were considered active in Boss-Saint-Laurent, with 80 cases in the MRC de la Matapedia. Since the outbreak, 4,292 people have been infected with COVID-19 and 4,135 of them have recovered.

Public Health continued its efforts in terms of screening and vaccination on Wednesday, after launching an attack earlier this week to control the spread of the virus in its territory. Tests were performed on 143 people on Monday and 158 on Tuesday.

In Boss-Saint-Laurent, La Matapedia has the lowest MRC vaccination rate, with 79.5% of those 12 years of age and older being adequately vaccinated.

On Monday, 88 vaccines were administered in La Matapedia, 33 of which were first dose.

Tighten the screw in schools

On Wednesday four schools were battling COVID-19 cases. Students from Saint-Ursule and Caron schools in Amqui must attend their courses remotely until November 1st.

For Jean-Franకోois Gaumand, president of the Mytis Teaching Union, if the government had implemented faster tests in schools more quickly, the situation would probably already be under control.

“If we compare ourselves to Ontario, there is one in ten cases coming out of school in Ontario, and in Quebec we have one in four, the difference between the two is that they deployed faster tests as soon as possible. Back to school, ”said Jean-Franois Gaumand.

On Monday, public health officials tightened the rule of wearing a mandatory mask in schools as well as private seniors’ residences (RPAs).

It is now mandatory for all students from grade 1 to secondary 5 to wear a mask inside and at all times during basic daycare. When preschool children are with students of different levels, the mask is also mandatory on school transport if elementary students are not able to keep a distance of two meters during physical education lessons or conduct the course outdoors.

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