January 10, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Kovid-19: Quebec regions are vaccinated

Kovid-19: Quebec regions are vaccinated

Lagging behind since the vaccine campaign began, Quebec areas are finally being captured. If a month ago Montreal was the most vaccinated area in proportion to the population, the metropolis has now dropped to the bottom of the list. This is based on habitat data from vaccination data from the National Institutes of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ).

The depressive epidemiological situation at the beginning of the vaccine campaign and a phenomenon described by a large number of health workers gaining immunity in the metropolis.Back Mary-France Renault, Specialist Physician in Community and Public Health.

However, Montreal did not have the same requirements at the beginning of the year, she recalled. “Right now the situation is under control. We don’t have a thrilling third wave. In some areas, the situation has gotten a lot worse.”

Health conditions in Au Tois, Capitol-National and Chowder-Appalach‌s have deteriorated significantly in recent weeks, with special emergency measures in place – and extended until early May.

“The benefit we have given to Montreal is no longer justified and we have adjusted the situation for other areas,” the medical expert added.

The 34,000 doses of the vaccine due in Greater Montreal were finally redirected to seven locations this month.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services argued in an email that “this decision will allow to increase vaccination coverage in these areas and to postpone appointments scheduled for the month of May” Destiny.

Health Minister Christian Dubey also supported the decision as the presence of variants in these areas has increased.

Protect remote areas

Remote areas such as C -te d’Ivoire, Gaspeci – Ols-de-La-Madeline and Nord-du-Quebec have also been a priority since the vaccine campaign began. “It’s part of a vaccination strategy because there is no health infrastructure for those in very small areas,” D said.Back Renault.

In the Magdalen Islands, more than 80% of adults have already received their first dose of the vaccine, a geographical isolation problem when it spreads. “Patients [atteints de la] COVID, which deteriorates quickly. Air evacuation is not suitable for people with oxygenation problem, ”explained the doctor.

In contrast, ABTB-Temiscomming is a region far behind the rest of the province, especially due to the arrival of the vaccine. The estrogena vaccine is not administered there due to the prevalence of the South African variant in its territory. “Astrogenene is low potency [contre ce variant], So we do not take any chances ”, defends DBack Renault sends doses of other vaccines so that the area does not lag far behind.

“We are getting closer to equity”

The specialist said the vaccine gaps between regions should soon be equalized, with the upcoming vaccine deliveries and reducing the minimum age to receive estrogenka doses.

“I think it’s normal for us to send more vaccines in a particular situation in an area, but now I think we’re getting closer to equity,” she said.

“Mass vaccinations will gradually spread to other ages and the speed of vaccination campaign will depend on the distribution of vaccines,” the Ministry of Health and Social Services said.