January 12, 2025

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Kovid-19: United Kingdom announces billions of dollars for “weak countries” to buy vaccines

Kovid-19: United Kingdom announces billions of dollars for "weak countries" to buy vaccines

The first case of Kovid-19 was reported in Wuhan, China a year ago. As of January 11, 2021, the epidemic has killed nearly two million people in more than 90 million cases worldwide.

One year after the start of the Kovid-19 pandemic, 90 million cases have been reported worldwide, with the death toll set to cross two million. The American continent is increasingly affected in terms of mortality. Thus, as of January 11, 2020, there were 372,500 deaths in more than 22 million cases in the United States, followed by more than 202,630 deaths in Brazil and more than 133,200 deaths in Mexico. In Europe, the epidemic killed 617,928, in Asia 317,385, in Africa 72,122, and in Oceania 31,336.

The African continent is less affected by Kovid-19 than any other continent. The first case of Kovid-19 in Africa appeared in February 2020 in Egypt. Since then, other countries have been affected. As of January 11, 2021, there were 3,052,554 Kovid-19 cases for 72,734 deaths. 511,883 cases are still under treatment and 2,468,135 cases are being cured.

South Africa has one million cases and over 33,000 deaths. There were 149,792 cases and 8,197 deaths in Egypt. In West Africa, Nigeria leads with 100,087 cases and only 1,358 deaths.

New variant and concern

The United Kingdom, Europe’s saddest country with the deadliest pandemic of over 80,000, is currently facing an outbreak of cases, citing a further outbreak of the virus. This variant, which is being aired in Europe and the United States, is already raising concerns. A small beam, Pfizer / Bioentech Laboratory, its vaccine, the administration launched in December 2020 in the United States and Europe also announced that it was effective against this new variant.

The problem is, at present, only rich countries get the vaccine for their population. The World Health Organization, in this regard, on Friday, January 8, called for greater vaccine solidarity and urged rich countries to refrain from concluding “bilateral agreements” with laboratories.

Since Sunday, January 10, 2021, the United Kingdom has announced that it has collected billions of dollars from its allies (Canada, Germany and Japan), helping to obtain vaccines for 92 “vulnerable countries” Kovid-19.

More than one billion doses are distributed in these 92 countries. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, which has crossed the three million case mark, plans to vaccinate its residents against the most harmful by mid-February 2021.

Vaccines are available

Around the world, vaccines have emerged. Pfizer / BioMtech: More than 95% effective with two doses. The vaccine “BNT162 b2” was created on November 18, 2020, as a result of a collaboration between the American laboratory Pfizer and the German bioentech.

The Moderna Vaccine: The moderna vaccine created by Modernna Therapeutics, an American biotechnology company, is similar to the Pfizer / Bioentech vaccine. It has recently demonstrated efficiency of up to 95%. So far, the side effects – similar to Pfizer / Biotech – have been fatigue, headaches, and muscle aches for two to three days.

AstroZeneca: The best-selling in the world. The vaccine was developed by the British group AstroZeneca in collaboration with the University of Oxford. The first country to adopt it was the United Kingdom. According to the scientific journal The Lancet, it has an average efficiency of 70%.

Chinese vaccines: first developed and much more. Sinovac, Sinoform and Cancino, Chinese vaccines, first developed, very many. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that in China, where the coronavirus appeared in late 2019, fifteen vaccines have been tested on humans.

Justin Bongkongou
