September 16, 2024

The Queens County Citizen

Complete Canadian News World

Larvae rain on passenger: A plane forced to turn around

Larvae rain on passenger: A plane forced to turn around

A nine-hour flight from Amsterdam to Detroit was forced to turn around Tuesday when maggots started falling on a passenger's head from an overhead baggage compartment containing rotting fish.

“The woman in the back told the flight crew that she had worms on her head. I turned around and they were squirming in the seat… very disgusting,” one of the passengers on the Delta Air Lines flight testified on Reddit on Tuesday, according to Sky News.

Baggage containing rotten fish escaped security checks on Tuesday before ending up on a flight from Amsterdam in the morning bound for Detroit in the United States.

Because after just an hour of flight, maggots started falling on a passenger's head, after which he rushed to inform the flight attendants.

It was then that a rotten fish was found in a luggage in the compartment.

“It was really nice to spend 2 hours at a time [vol] And find rotten fish and larvae traveling with us,” lamented Kelsey, a second passenger, if it was taken seriously, she insisted, according to British media.

For its part, the airline confirmed the unpleasant finding, indicating it was immediately turned around.

“We apologize to the customers of AMS-DTW Flight 133 for the disruption to their travel due to improper packing of carry-on baggage. […] The aircraft returned to the gate and passengers were placed on the next available flight,” the airline told Sky News.

The plane in question has been “removed from service for cleaning,” Delta added in writing.

According to the first passenger, the person holding the luggage was sitting when all the passengers left the plane. However, it is unclear whether he will face any consequences for forcing the plane to change course.

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