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Lilly University Hospital in France equipped with a special robot for a knee prosthesis

Le CHU de Lille (Nord) vient de s
Lille University Hospital (North) is now equipped with a special robot in France that can reduce pain in patients.
Lille University Hospital (North) is now equipped with a special robot in France that can reduce pain in patients. (© CHU de Lille)

Always at the edge of technology, the Lille University Hospital (North) Equipped with just one Unique robot in France. It allows Reduce Significantly Residual pain in patients When Knee replacement. Descriptions.

Limit pain

It should be noted that the surgical procedures currently used during implantation of the knee prosthesis cause residual pain in 15 to 20% of patients, often requiring surgery. The technology of this new OMNIBotics® orthopedic robot will automate the balancing of the knee ligaments, hitherto fully maintained by the surgeon.

“The goal with this type of technique is to limit discomfort and pain by adjusting the balance of the tendons as much as possible,” insisted Dr. Sophie Putman, orthopedic-traumatology surgeon at CHU.

Concretely, the installation of an assisted prosthesis reduces the phenomenon of knee stiffness or stiffness, thanks to the robotic ligament tensor. The robot optimizes that, in place of the knee joint, the patient will have knee laxity. This allows surgeons to place the prosthesis more accurately using a 3D view of their surgical procedures. This technique allows the patient to resume operations faster and reduce the number of relapses after the prosthesis is implanted.

European Reference Center

With the acquisition of the robot, CHU became a “European reference center for fitting a knee prosthesis” in a press release.

In France, 100,000 knee prostheses are placed each year, “a number that could be multiplied by 4 by 2070,” one CHU spokesman said.

“Increasing life expectancy with good health and improving postoperative comfort for growing younger patients is essential, providing daily comfort for prosthesis wearers and enabling them to perform regular physical activity”.

The acquisition of this technology is funded within the framework of the Budget Program Innovation (BPI), an internal call for Lille University Hospital tenders, which aims to provide patients with access to advance innovations.

“The ultimate goal of using this technology is for our patients to live better with their prostheses and to maintain the physical activity necessary for their general health,” Dr. Sophie Putman recalled.

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