The announcement came after Harrison released a statement Thursday stating that he would not personally discuss with Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee, who testified positive for the virus to Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Graham, who attended the Oct. 1 hearing. Last week – Kovid test did not come.
Harrison said in a statement that he, the moderators and panelists all agreed to test and questioned why Graham was not.
“If Senator Graham does not take the coronavirus test, I will not be able to discuss it personally tomorrow night and allow politics to put my family, my campaign staff, Sen Graham staff and members of the media at unnecessary risk,” it said in a statement. .
Graham declined the request, saying he had previously tested for negativity and would adhere to security rules that had already been accepted.
“It is his decision whether Mr. Harrison will attend tomorrow’s debate, not mine. I will be there,” Graham said in a statement.
It is a breaking story and will be updated.
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